» Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:41 am
Stories? I have a few, though they are all from when I was younger and maybe it was just imagination or something (the first one anyway). Around 10 years old (this is what led me to my believing in Sasquatch) I was outside jumping on my trampoline by myself around 5:00 in the winter, so it was just starting to get dark. I saw something that was large, it had to be around 7ft, and it was in the woods right next to the trampoline so it was covered by limbs sort-of. Bipedal, all black, and walked fairly swiftly. I bolted inside and didn't come back out until the next day, where I looked at the tree where I thought it's head was, and it was definitely over 6ft. It looked like no person or bear I ever saw.
Another more actual creepy story; I was 11 or 12, my mom and dad went to get groceries. Only to be gone for 30 minutes or so. My older brother was in his room playing gamecube I think, maybe N64. Regardless, I was in the den watching TV. The house I was in at the time, the den was directly connected to the kitchen, and the kitchen had a window right over the sink. Something abruptly started banging on the window, I looked over and thought it was by brother. Looked in his room, and he was there playing games. He asked "why the hell are you banging on [censored]?" I told him it wasn't me and explained that I thought it was him (he constantly played tricks on me). He told me to get out and stop it. I looked out the window, saw nothing. Opened the door and some woman that appeared to be in her middle ages was booking it into the woods. I went into my brothers room and told him to go outside. She was behind a tree (thinking we couldn't see her) looking at us. My brother going to confront her, was a bit confused himself. The woman took off into the woods. Parents got home, we said what happened, police showed up but they are unconcerned and think it was probably a drunk woman or something. But keep in mind, we have one neighbor across the street, the next residence is over 3 miles or so away. I was paranoid for the next week or so to go outside. I rode my ATV through the woods often, about 3 weeks later, I see the woman walking down one of the paths. I immediately return home and tell mom and dad. We do a search of the woods (a good 200+ acre lot of woods), eventually we find a tent, a small grill, and sleeping bag, along with alcohol and pot laying around. The woman must have left very soon because we also found a loaded .38 I think it was laying next to the grill. Got the cops again and found the lady not too far away. It was just creepy.