Cresent Canyon

Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:42 pm

On one of my more recent playthroughs, I strolled through Cresent Canyon. Now, if you're like me, you've come through there before, noticed its general emptiness and just kept right on going. This time though, a thought occured to me: was this originally going to be a part of some battle that got cut from the game?

The Canyon is moderately close to Nipton, a town that, just recently, (game time) was taken over by the Legion. At its other end is the Mojave Outpost. (or at least it comes out fairly close)

Was the Legion planning on attacking the Mojave Outpost via the canyon? It would have hidden their approach, and given them the element of suprise. If so why did it get cut? Is it going to be a part of a DLC?

What do you think?
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:40 pm

Hmm is that canyon the one near the gate that basically says "The Burned Man walks on" and "**** courier six!" or am I thinking of the wrong one...

And yes, when I walked through there it just seemed... like it had a purpose. It would be a great warzone, if the engine could handle it ofc :D I know what you mean :knowingsmile:
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:32 am

I actually spend a lot of time around that Canyon. Lots of Geckos and Radscorps, some Nightstalkers and Fiends, and two nearby colonies of Barkscorps. Excellent for XP and loot.

That, and it's always interested me. That Canyon has a story. I'm still trying to figure out what it is, but that Canyon has a story, a tale to tell. Have you noticed that the two Boxcars on the canyon floor form a perfect arch? I kinda think it's improbable that they just fell that way when the bridge collapsed. Have you also noticed that the bridge segment on the N side of the canyon holds a Boxcar...but it's positioned wrong to have been on the visible train tracks when the bridge collapsed? Or that it's possible to slow fall from that Boxcar to the canyon floor? Or that on the S side of the canyon is a large mountain visible in the distance and that there clearly used to be a railway connection between it and the Mojave Wasteland?

I don't know about Legion/NCR factional politics and Crescent Canyon...I kinda think it would be stupid for either faction to send an attack force through the canyon(troops weakened before they even get to the enemy).

@General Eel Revilo: the Canyon Wreckage is where the "Courier Six" stuff is. That's to the W of Primm. This is Crescent Canyon, to the SE of the Mojave Outpost.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:34 pm

I does seem rather deliberate. Maybe it was part of a planned quest or battle. Or it could just be a cool canyon. :)
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Mrs Pooh
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