I am working on a very large worldspace that has several cities, many towns and many settlements. The setting of the mod is not in Skyrim so the intent is to have a seperate crime faction with unique dialogue for the guards in the new world space, as well as new jails. On the PC I am creating the mod on everything works perfectly. There are about 20-30 guards for the one city and they all ambush for reported crimes and read dialogue. they work exactly the same as regular Skyrim guards except with new prison and new voices. When I test it on the other computer everything works perfect except the crime system. as a test I duplicated a Vanilla guard, gave a new baseID and added him to the new crime faction. He works on the test PC but only when I hit him. It is as if the unique crime faction only exsists for him. But every one is in it. I have tried clean save with mod removed, clean save with mod in. This is not using extra scripts, just in game mechanics. To sum up. Why does it work perfect on the original PC but not the test PC? Both PC's have everything legal. two seperat steam accounts.