Crime & Punishment Speculation

Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:28 pm

will guards be all telepaths and know everything again ?

since there is kids in the game and they cant be killed any one know if they will help the guard and attack you or run to the nearest house and perma lock it till you go away ? or will they be running around the streets oblivious to whats going on and you can potentially use them as shields by running between them hoping the AI targeting system will be slow so if they use a ranged attack will go owards the child and not you and uhm evaporate?

so a guard is over here targeting you but theres a child directly infront of you (or your running circles around it if they have a panic button) what will happen to the NPC ranged attacks if a child gets infront of them ?

any way thats enough of that now for other crime related stuff

will there be any actual loot worth stealing this time around like morrowind had with its dwemer stuff and most junk having a value of 5 gold (hated the devs putting "replica" items all over the place that were 1 worthless 2 useless and all the 0 value items)

will we be ble to use telekenises spell (if hasnt been removed) to pick pocket people fro ma distance or kill them by throwing spoons and paintbrushes at them ?

will we be able to rest if we have guards "chasing us" found it really lame that i could escape a town travel to the remotest part of the world where guards wouldnt even be able to get me because i had to jump to get to where I was and still have "the guards are after you you can not rest"
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D LOpez
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:43 pm

will guards be all telepaths and know everything again ?

Yes, psychic guards are confirmed, however If you kill all the eyewitness you are safe ( unless a child witness you :D )

since there is kids in the game and they cant be killed any one know if they will help the guard and attack you or run to the nearest house and perma lock it till you go away ? or will they be running around the streets oblivious to whats going on and you can potentially use them as shields by running between them hoping the AI targeting system will be slow so if they use a ranged attack will go owards the child and not you and uhm evaporate?

lol...I... lol... don't know :D
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John N
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:44 am

No they won't be telepathic. Skyrim is split into 9 regions. If you're CAUGHT breaking the law in one region, you won't be wanted in the others, only in that region. By CAUGHT I mean, witnessed. And the witness has to get to the officers and report you to have a bounty on your head.
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Emily Shackleton
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