Name: Aerys Borne
Gender: Male
Age: 44 years
Race: Nord
Faction: Legion - sort of
Appearance: Fairly tall, at around 6'1". Ice blue eyes that almost lack colour, and pale blonde hair, curly and cut short, with a slight beard to match. His face looked weather beaten and haggard, but above all - stern. His skin also looks very pale, as though he has spent most of time out of the sunlight, though he is clearly a man of the outdoors.
Personality: Stern, practical and austere. He has a grim sense of humour, and can be very cynical. He's easy to admire and respect, but hard to like and get along with. He's a decent military strategist, mainly in the art of defence, and taciturn. Seldom does he show any sign of compassion or kindness, but is a believer of 'tough love'. He does however, possess a solemn respect of soldiers. His position is difficult; as he isn't strictly a legion officer he can't officially issue commands to troops unless Tullius has given permission (eg, Aerys is sometimes called to serve as a temporary commander in various camps and forts). That said, his reputation tends to proceed him, and it is highly advisable to carry out his orders.
- Strategist (especially involving a defended position)
- Wilderness survival (particularly in the harsh northern climate)
- One handed (sword)
- Block (shield)
- Standard Legion Training (how to arrange camps, dig trenches, tend to wounds without magic, etc)
- Horseman
- Surprisingly good cook
Weapons, Armour and other gear:
- Steel hand-and-a-half sword
- Steel dirk
- Splintmail cuirass, pauldrons and vambraces, all made of steel, unpolished and black in appearance
- sturdy boots
- Long black cloak featuring a wolf pelt hood
- a few poultices, various wild herbs, salted meats and bread,
Aerys was nineteen when the great war ended, having been a young legionnaire under the command of Targon Longstride. Twenty five years on, Aerys has long since left official service of the Legion, but still aids them on occasion, delivering messages, taking temporary command of garrisons, even helping out in a few battles. He has a hatred of the Thalmor, but age mellowed him, and now he thinks only of the soldiers who died fighting them. Once General Tullius arrived in Skyrim, Aerys went forth and introduced himself, and a strange kind of friendship grew between them, if it could be called such. Since then, if Tullius has needed a little extra hand, he has called on Aerys. Now, Tullius wishes to send a message to Fort Hraggstad, and Aerys is the man for the job.