Approved by Rex

-Fort Hraagstad-
(Approved by Rex)
Aedan... Longstride Manor - Muster Yard...
Aedan watched as Farcha loosed the arrow and it soared past the target. Aedan smiled a little.
"Well, no one was a master marksman on their first shot." he muttered. He looked over and saw Vanion approaching, a large grin on his face.
Oh no. Please not now...
"As a master archer I can give you two tips, my lady, one don't aim for the bulls eye and two, don't listen to any advice Aedan gives you." he said, jokingly.
Aedan gave him a harsh stare, but Farcha's reaction was far more energetic. She cast the bow on the ground.
"I have no need for a bow anyway, a bow is not my weapon." she declared "My father fought with a spear, so did my grandmother. I want one of those."
Aedan's face contorted into a mixed expression of anger and thought. He looked over at Vanion, before changing his expression to a smile.
"Farcha, this here is Vanion, who serves as Ned's Housecarl. Further, he's been so kind as to allow our Argonian friend, Only-He-Cleans, to share his room with him. And I'm also certain that Vanion will probably want to see Ned round about now." he grinned. The look on Vanion's face was priceless, and he ran off screaming "My lord! Something terrible has happened!"
He kept his happy facade for a few moments longer, before rounding on Farcha. "And my father and his father before him, and all the men of my line have wielded Sunstrike, but you don't see me swinging a greatsword." He managed to keep his voice calm, not wishing to escalate the situation. "When the dragon does appear, what do you intend to do with that spear, hmm? Will you hunker down behind it and try to stab up at it? This thing isn't stupid, not from all the accounts we've heard. This thing can fly Farcha. It's not going to want to skewer itself on a spear, so what will you do? I don't think you have the strength to throw one."
She looked livid now, and Aedan sighed heavily as he sat down on a nearby stump. He looked down at the ground for a moment.
"I don't want to be a cold, hard bastard you know." he said, his voice softening "But if that's what it takes to keep you safe, then I will do it." He looked up and met her gaze, those brown eyes staring back at him.
"I've really stuck my neck out for you on this one Farcha; letting you fight. If something happened to..." He found he couldn't even say the words and he slammed his fist on the stump "I cannot let that happen! I will not!"
He rose to his full height. "I've been responsible for one woman's death. I'll not be responsible for another." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Here's what I propose. For now, pick up that bow, and keep trying. You can't expect to be an expert on your first shot. And later - assuming we survive - then I will teach you what I know about spear craft, does that sound fair?" He smiled "Please?"
-Fort Hraggstad-
(OOC: Lemme know if I should change this)
Only-He-Cleans - Whiterun
(Approved by all parties... I think...)
Ned... Whiterun - Plains District...
Aedan... Longstride Manor - Muster Yard..
Aedan couldn't help but manage a small smile when Farcha picked the bow back up and took another shot. Again, the shot flew wide. He gave her a reassuring smile and nodded, urging her to continue. She drew forth another arrow, and he could see her straining to hold the arrow back. This time, the arrow fell short and skidded under the target. Aedan could feel her frustration rising. He slowly approached the Reachwoman as she put another arrow to the string.
"If I may." he said, before placing a gentle hand under her bow arm and another one on her other wrist. "You just need to alter your positioning a little." He gently manipulated her limbs until they were in the correct positions, but kept his hands where they were. It occurred to him that she might feel uncomfortable being so close to her, but he was more concerned about her survival at that moment. "Now pull back on the string - that's is - and transfer the weight to your back. You know the phrase 'put your back into it'? That's where it comes from." He took a few steps back and watched as Farcha took aim. It was the longest she'd held an arrow to the string, and he could see her body shaking as the pressure became too much.
This time, the arrow left the bow with a satisfying buzzing sound, and the arrow soared past the target, closer than her previous shots. Aedan smiled to himself.
"Better, much better. Keep at it." He smiled. For the next hour, he watched Farcha practice in her too large armour; most of her shots flying wide - the helmet probably wasn't helping - but some of them hitting the wood around the target, skimming off the top or embedding themselves in wood that held it in place. She was getting better, not bad for a beginner, and he reasoned that she didn't have to be that accurate. So long as she shot in vaguely the same direction as everyone else, she'd do fine.
If something happens to her, it's on your head. Aedan thought. Her life is at stake here, her honour... your honour. You can't afford to loose any of them now.
He smiled sadly to himself. He began to hum the tune he'd been working on the night before as he watched Farcha recovering her arrows.
Ah, what's wrong with you Aedan? Had this been any other girl you'd have said no, regardless of whether honour demanded it. What makes her so special?
An answer to that question lingered in the back of his mind, but he shoved the thought out of the way.
Don't be stupid. You've just met her, you hardly know anything about her. Besides...
"She's too young for you." he muttered, though his mind told him that was a poor defence. He looked up, and hoped what he'd been thinking hadn't shown on his face, or if it had that she hadn't seen it. "That's very good. We'll make an archer out of you yet..."
Uuuuooooommmmm. Uuuuooooooommmm.
It was a sound he'd come to know time and time again. Aedan's hair whipped back and forth in the wind as he turned to the sound of the horns. His hand rested on his sword hilt.
"Stay here." he said, though it sounded more like a question than a command. He made his way down to the gates, passing Ned on the way down.
"What's happening?" Aedan asked his older brother, the taller, broader Ned pausing in his gate.
"Irilieth returned. Refugees and reinforcements." Ned replied. "Do you know who is taking shelter in the cellar?"
"Talen and Haldor are organising it now." Aedan replied. "They'll be down there before the sun sets."
"Good." Ned replied. For a moment there was an awkward tension between them.
"Look..." Aedan began.
"I'll hear none of it." Ned smiled, placing a reassuring hand on Aedan's shoulder. Everything was forgiven. Aedan smiled in return. "I'm going to armour up. You might want to think about doing the same thing." Ned continued as he made his way up the hill towards the manor. Aedan instead went down towards the gates, emerging near the markets. He could see Irileth with the reinforcements in the distance, moving men up onto the wall. Closer to him, in the market, were the refugees. Targon stood there also, speaking loudly to the masses, wearing a silvery briastplate, pauldrons, vambraces and greaves, supplemented by steel scales. His blade was sheathed at his side.
"You will be kept safe here, in the Bannered Mare." Targon said, his voice laced with the authority of man who was used to giving orders and who'd seen many battles. "If any of you have the strength and the skill to fight this dragon, head to the Longstride Manor, the big building with the grey banners. Someone will direct you from there."
Aedan had seen enough, and made his way back to the manor. He would follow Ned's advice, and prepare himself for battle.
- Nikolai -
-Fort Hraggstad-
Aerys Borne… Solitude –Outer Fortifications…
Ned… Longstride Manor – Armoury…
Aedan Longstride… Longstride Manor – Muster Yard…
-Fort Hraggstad-
Dorlas sprang up from his bed roll, he was covered in sweat and he was afraid. He had the nightmare again, it had been plaguing him ever since he left Chorrol. He looked upon the sky, the sun was starting to descend. He got out of the bedroll and went for a walk.(OOC: Used actual Roman Legion ranks here. Approved by Rex)
Aerys Borne… Haafingar – Fort Hraggstad…
-Fort Hraggstad-