Here are my suggestions to make this a much more enjoyable game:
1. A.I. - Frankly, it stinks. This is a MP game, I shouldn't HAVE to complain about AI, but since joining a game with a team of real people feels like a rarity, it's a major sticking point of why I'm already considering trading this in. A quick, easy fix? I can't say a lobby would be quick and easy. It should've been there from the start. How about being able to set custom settings, including NO CPU PLAYERS. Did Splash Damage try it? Did it end up being incredibly boring, or something? The only reason I could understand CPU players being necessary is because the game supports the most paltry number of players since Doom 3. That was then, this is now. 8 on 8 is barely acceptable. 4 on 4 is an absolute joke.
BUUUUUT- with PSN being so wonky right now, maybe it's just a matter of everyone being able to play. Maybe in a few days it'll be rare to see CPU players. I really hope that's the case.
2. Maps - Bring on the map packs! Hope they're not full of dead ends and bottlenecks. If players have the ability to scale walls, lets have some walls to scale. The more paths to the objective, the better. These maps should be a honeycomb; a giant jungle-gym of death. Instead, there's only ever a couple options to get anywhere, and a whole lot of empty space that goes nowhere around it. Some maps get it, most feel like a lot of lost potential.
3. Technical difficulties - They'll get patched. The sooner, the better. I'll lump the menu in with this too. There are some options when choosing freeplay, but there's a whole lot of sub-options like voice, friendly fire, etc. that really need to be opened up. It would make the world a better place. I mean, they're RIGHT THERE! Just let me toggle them!' Also, pips refill sooo sloooow. The only time I ever have more than one filled is when I respawn. Maybe, when I get a kill or get an objective, I get a pip filled. Seems logical.
So those are my biggest complaints. Especially the AI, though, geez. If they're not going to work, let's just take them out of the equation. They're a cancer on my gameplay experience.
I'm sure I'll see plenty of work done to improve this game.
And to let anyone wondering know, I see the Battlefield and Left 4 Dead series as the best multiplayer has to offer, and weigh all my experiences against those.