Cross hair editing

Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:22 pm

so I have been using this cross hair model for awhile now and just recently realized that it is off center quite a bit. I figured it would be a simple matter of copy and pasting the center of the cross hair onto another one that was centered. But then I find out that its not as easy as i thought, and now i am lost.
So how do i make/modify cross hairs? the cross hair in question is FOOK's Illuminated_Mildot_Smal_scope01.nif If this issue has already been fixed, would you direct me to where I can pick up a new one?

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Bedford White
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:23 pm

so I have been using this cross hair model for awhile now and just recently realized that it is off center quite a bit. I figured it would be a simple matter of copy and pasting the center of the cross hair onto another one that was centered. But then I find out that its not as easy as i thought, and now i am lost.
So how do i make/modify cross hairs? the cross hair in question is FOOK's Illuminated_Mildot_Smal_scope01.nif If this issue has already been fixed, would you direct me to where I can pick up a new one?


I don't know about the reticle in question, but in general, they are mesh, not textures. If the one you want to change is like the rest, you will have to alter it in a 3D program and re-export.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:30 am

I don't know about the reticle in question, but in general, they are mesh, not textures. If the one you want to change is like the rest, you will have to alter it in a 3D program and re-export.

No, the cross hair can be adjusted in NIFScope.

I have this scope in my Data folder as well (Data\meshes\FOOK\interface\hud\Illuminated_MilDot_Smal_scope01.nif), so I opened it up. Here is how to adjust it.
Figure out what adjustment you need to make to center the cross hair (move it left, right, up or down).
Make a backup copy of Illuminated_Mildot_Smal_scope01.nif, then open your working copy in NIFScope.
1. In the Block List area, expand the BSFadeNode (Scope01) block, then the NiNode (Inner Lens Shading) block.

2. Right click on the NiTriShape (crosshair_post) line, and select Transform, then Edit.

3. In the dialog box that comes up, edit the values for Translation (X moves left/right, Y moves up/down, Z moves front/back).

4. Click accept, then right click the NiTriShape (crosshair_post) line again, and select Transform, then Apply.

5. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 on the NiTriShape (crosshair_dots) line, entering the same values as you did for (crosshair_post) in the Translation values.

6. Save the file, exit NIFScope, and check the accuracy of the scope in game.

It might take you a couple tries to get the cross hair dead-on, but hey... ever sighted in a rifle scope in real life?
Fire three shots, look at your pattern on the target, adjust the scope.
Fire three shots, look at your pattern on the target, adjust the scope.
Keep doing this until you get your pattern in the bullseye.
Pretty realistic, huh?

Good luck, and if you FUBAR your working copy of the nif file, you can delete it and resort to your backup copy to try again.
Any problems, and I'll try to help you out.
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:59 pm

Sweet thanks, I will try that out when I get some free time.
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:21 am

its been awhile but your suggestions helped me fix it. Thanks! :celebration:
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