Yeah - unfamous frag fx.... I hate ppl using frag fx. bloody cheaters. It give a user such an edge you might think hes using aimbot hack- I ve met few users in kz2- which is slow paced game and it was like shooting to squirrel on cocaine. Even worst- they think they actually good. Only " network tool" laggers are more annoying
Back on topic, I dont think this will ever happened. more possible is cross of console/ pc
I assume you mean "Infamous". "Unfamous" would mean that no one knows of it, which it sounds like they do.
Cross-console is just about non-existent save a handful, like Shadowrun or Phantasy star. I would wait for it to become more common in games where controls don't matter so much, such as RPG games, before hoping for it in FPS games.
Portal 2 is going to be cross platform, which is interesting, but that's a first person puzzle game, not a first person shooter.