Longbows had an effective range of 220 yards against armored targets (crossbow was 350--400), they weren't as accurate heavy crossbows. Cross were popular among sick soldiers lol. but nonetheless it's a cool weapon.
In the crossbow versus longbow argument, I always like to refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Agincourt#Opening_moves.

yea shooting flames from your hands is realistic and glass shortswords doing more damage than iron warhammers makes sense. lol i understand the dislike i just thought it was a cool idea... (Demons Souls)
Glass swords aren't the same sort of glass found in your windows, for example. Said glass has to be mined, and is ore from fallen asteroids, or something like that. Either way, when refined, this ore can be made extremely sharp, and was probably named glass because of its transparent nature. The difference between an Iron Warhammer and a Glass sword would be... Well, like the difference between a club and an obsidian scalpel. The club has mass, sure, but it's not as dense as other comparable weapons or as well crafted, resulting in a lot less damage. The scalpel however, is made of one of the sharpest materials on Earth.
They both inflict different types of damage (which Oblivion doesn't reflect) but the Glass knife would do far more damage in its own specific damage type than the hammer would. Morrowind would make for a better comparison really - if you try to club someone with a knife, it ain't gonna work. Try to stab someone with a hammer, it ain't gonna work. But if you stab someone with the Glass, and club someone with the hammer, the knife would do more damage overall. Anyway, in a world where magic exists, shooting fire out your hands
is realistic. In a world where hand-eye coordination exists, dual crossbows being used in combat isn't.

How is dual wielding normal weapons unrealistic? Dual wielding in real life allowed people to be able to always counter attack while blocking an attack from the enemy. There is always the ability to counter strike with dual wielding swords. Now dual wielding two handed weapons and crossbows would be unrealistic and impractical but normal weapons like axes and swords, no.
Out of interest, have you ever actually lifted a real longsword? If yes, cool. Now lift two at once. Now hold them directly in front of you for 10 minutes straight. Now try and kill someone with them. See where I'm going with this?

These things are majorly heavy. Sword and dagger makes sense though. Duels were originally fought with a sabre and dagger (sabre in fencing terms, not the massive blades you see in Pirates of the Caribbean).