For the fist time in 10 years

My biggest problem with the dress vs suit issue is that the dresses allow shoulder armor and the suits don't. I don't see a reason you couldn't wear shoulder armor on top of a blazer (looking at the models, it doesn't appear they would clip). When the GECK becomes available I'll have to mod that in.
It's the stats for the dress, my guy wears Lorenzos suit for the same +2 charisma-
That's my charismatic clothes, +1 hat, +1 sunglasses and +2 cross dressing needed.
Nail, head, etc. Wearing a nice clean pre-war outfit is the Wasteland equivalent of "Look, everyone, I'm rich and powerful enough to wear ancient relics/wear ancient relics and keep them clean of the Wasteland's filth, and I'm confident enough in my badassery to show it in public." Like, everyone goes around in rags, assorted bits of armor, and/or rough traveling outfits, and here you are being the blingiest wanderer in a mile radius - of course everyone's going to be focusing on how glamorous you look over some silly gender conventions.
It just doesn't make sense to me, unless we were playing Dragon Age.
I think Bioware has a rep of having games that appeal to SJW and LGBT people. It's because they have openly gay/bi characters in their games. It's not the only time I seen people taking shots at Bioware for having gay/bi characters.
To try and justify it: You probably make most people laugh, or induce surprise which pacifies them. In these moments of emotional release people are much more agreeable to influence. Some others might just find it darn right sixy.
Are there actual communities for this stuff? Because in Norway we are just homosixual, bisixual, straight or whatever we feel like. You know normal people doing our people thing. But i guess we shouldn't get into that on this forum.
Actually, it kind of depended on the mesh. In Skyrim for instance, my male character found a robe hidden beneath a bed in the Ivarstead Inn, and put it on. Turned out it was Nocturnal's Robe (a fairly sixy sort of nightgown) and it had no male counterpart. The result was hilarious... I think I posted a screenie over on wolflore for a laugh.
In my home base all the ladies are in their undies as they work. The few men that I cant seem to kill without making everyone mad at me (I wanted an all woman slave camp ) I have in dresses to keep the ladies away from them so they are all mine muhahahhahaha
I like the yellow trench coat. Sure it doesn't do anything, but it looks cool on a man or a woman, especially with a fedora. Much better than the faded one.
I looted the wife too, lol.
I can't bring myself to give out the ring to another girl though.
I keep it In a safe in my Sanctuary home.
If a man can pull of a blue sequin dress then he must have charisma to spare.
This is ridiculous. They were obviously very sloppy when designing their cross-dressing subsystem, and it needs to be balanced. Why does Bethesda hate beards?
Just no. Play the game more and leave your forced agenda at the door. There's a suit that offers 3 CHA - the most I've ever seen on a piece of clothing. In fact, I thought you were going to @#$%^ about that - being a woman but having to wear a suit to get the CHA boost.
Most of the world isn't as accepting of LGBT people as Norway. But that aside, there are communities for absolutely everything, especially things which aren't mainstream - like LGBT representation in video games. Bioware is well-known for not only including, but embracing same-six romances (which led to some controversy because the internet loves to hate). Building relations with you companions, whether platonic or romantic, is their forte.
Beards are great, it's mustache that gives you -10 to charisma.
Annoyingly, the dress and the suit from that particular reward are gender-based. I console cheated in the other one because I'm a completionist and I'll wear whatever I damn well please.
Yes they are. It's the ignorant savages that aren't.
If ya got a problem with it, don't play. Nobody cares about bigots and 'phobes.
I'm playing as a female right now. I've been wearing the 'classic suit' acquired in the beginning of the game just for the fun of it. I do have points invested into charisma, so I'm going to keep an eye out for added dialogue options and charisma increases. Haven't noticed it yet, but I've only been playing for a few hours. I'll keep an eye out for what happens with other outfits...