» Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:55 pm
First of all, I just want to point out how remarkable it is that you can cross dress at all. For the first time in a Bethesda game a dress is a dress, no matter who is wearing it. Likewise a suit remains a suit. No more magically morphing clothes based on gender.
As for a role-playing excuse for men getting the bonus for wearing a dress, that's easy. It's not viewed as crossdressing. What is considered women's clothing or men's clothing changes over time as society changes. An example that comes to mind is how high heels were once the height of men's fashion. Or there is how as recent as 60 years ago women wearing pants was frowned on.
In a post apocalyptic world resources become scarce. Clothing in general could have been hard to find. In which case a lot of old social norms could have been discarded as people becoming willing to wear whatever they could get their hands on. If all you could find was a dress, you wore a dress.
Eventually when things begin to settle and normalize, a lot of the old conventions would probably reassert themselves. However, the taboo or stigma of a guy wearing a dress might not have. A guy wearing a dress isn't cross dressing, he's just a guy in a dress.