It is such a pleasure to hear of characters that inhabit their world so fully as Helena. She is even more special because you gave me the oportunity to provide some input into the creation of your wonderful young Bretonic healer. :foodndrink:
Indeed. Cyrodiil, and in fact all Tamriel, is such a vibrant world that it seems a shame not to let our characters live a proper life.
I'm eternally thankful for yours and Subrosa's help in bringing Helena into the world. I'm sure she wouldn't have developed in the ways that she has if it weren't for your excellent input and the inspiration Buffy and Teresa's journals provide. If only Helena could tear herself away from her travels long enough to write her own journal >.<
I ask her quite regularly, and she apologises profusely, but as always she poses a question which provides me with the answer. "What would you do if you were in my shoes?" I'm afraid even a Count can't argue with that.