I've been thinking of which characters would work well for Skyrim (or would just be fun) and came up with a few.
Vin (Mistborn book series) - She will be a petite Breton, sholder length dark brown/black hair, duel wield glass daggers, simple clothes or noblewoman dress, use various things for her Allomantic powers;
Pewter power- her high skills in two handed and maybe some enchanted gear will probably fit the role of her burning pewter
Tin power- detect life will fit her hightend senses (as tin is used mainly for situaltion awareness in the book)
Steel power- Unrelenting force shout (nearly all enemies will have some metal on them for RP purposes)
Iron power- hoping telekinesis will fit this power (pull thing toward you)
Zinc power- riot/fury spell describe in Utah walkthrough will fit, along with speechcraft skill
Brass power- calm spell and speechcraft skill
Duralumin power- use the same spell in each hand at the same time
the rest of them don't really fit into Skyrim with the info we have on it, so that may change
Guts (Berserk series)- Large Nord, short black Hair, missing his right eye, always wear gauntlets to mimick his missing left hand and gauntlet-like replacement, if there is no all black armor, then go with his Band of the Hawk look, mostly leather armor, or just black pants, as many scars as the game will allow, 2H claymore sword, fireball destruction magic to fit the cannon in his false arm, throwing knifes if they are in, kill every dragon or moster any time I see one...
Casca (Berserk series)- female Redguard, short black hair, steel armor, one handed long sword, some scars, run from any monsters I can (they have not been kind to her)
Captain Sajin Komamura (Bleach Series)- Male Kahjiit (first thing I thought when I saw the Kahjiit picture was of this character, despite him being such a minor character), he uses a cutlass type of sword if there is one and wear Orc armor if it is the samurai-ish like MW, so it will be similar to his Bankai from the show, or long black or white robes
Tom Riddle (Harry Potter series)- tall Imperial with black hair, pure mage, use staff in one hand, magic in the other, pretty much use him to screw around with the AI, and probably end up killing nearly everyone, especially anyone with a scar on thier head
Dexter Morgan (Dexter series)- Imperial or Breton, brown hair, grey shirt, green pants, black gloves, sneak skill, lockpicking, high skill in whatever paralyze falls into, one handed skill for simple knife/dagger use, unarmed if still there (ie; folded into one or two handed skill), stalk people around town who might have killed someone (if found out during quests or rumors), paralyze them, then kill them with a knife when no one else is around.