Crusader-esque Character

Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:20 pm

Was going for a Paladin/Crusader type of character for my next build. Two-Handed, Heavy Armor, and some sort of magic. Fight for Talos, and visit his shrine often, always have his blessing, fight for the Stormcloaks to reclaim the ability to worship him openly.

But using a two-handed weapon, like my steel greatsword, means I can't use a spell in my off-hand, and I don't feel like switching to magic and back to my weapon while fighting.

So I'm looking for some spells in the game that can be used BEFORE or AFTER a battle. As in, anything that buffs my defense/offense before going into a fight, and Healing (after a battle).

What schools should I focus on and what are some good spells? Sorry, I don't use spells often.

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Karine laverre
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:15 pm

Alteation (maybe conjuration?) before battle, and restoration afterwards.

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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:16 pm

Normally paladins are associated with a mace so I would lose the 2 handed idea and go with a mace. But if you want 2 handed, go with a armor rating spell after battle and a healing spell after battle.alteration and restoration
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:16 pm

I was going to suggest Imperial as a crusader esque. character, especially along with their bonus to Restoration magic. But as you are set on joining the stormcloaks then I would suggest aiming for a spellsword rather than a 2-H weapon warriors, so you can use your weapon be it sword, axe or mace in one hand while your spells in the other hand. Aside from that I would go with restoration magic and Alteration (stoneflesh etc.) to give you a boost during a fight. But as always it is up to you.

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carly mcdonough
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:33 pm

Flesh spells such as Oakflesh can be cast before battle to give you some extra armor rating.

Runes can be cast before battle to lay down some destructive traps.

Healing can always be cast after a battle.

Summoning atronachs before battle.

Fear,calm and frenzy spells can be cast before battle.

Any of the cloak spells can be cast before battle to do extra damage when you get up close.

Edit:Also it's really not that hard to switch between a two-handed weapon and a couple of spells during battle.

Just hot key your weapon and you can have up to two spells in your hands or your weapon.

I have an archer that does this and it is really very easy to heal during battle then equipe her crossbow as needed.

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Honey Suckle
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:09 pm

What about using light armor (Dawnguard) instead so that you have less stamina required enabling a better balance for magicka?

My Imperial is like that.
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:20 pm

Dawnguard full helm is is a good thing to wear.
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:50 pm

It certainly a lot easier to be a crusader in Oblivion.

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Matt Terry
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:57 pm

Oh yes, the Dawnguard Full Helm looks terrific.

And I might just ditch my 2-H greatsword in favor of the 1-H sword 'Dawnbreaker', the ultimate Paladin weapon, and use a Mace off and on or until I get Dawnbreaker.

The Dawnguard Armor, heavy version, looks especially good for a Paladin, and then add the Dwarven Shield - unless you guys have a better suggestion.

1H + Block + Heavy Armor + Alteration seems like a good deal, with Restoration and Archery as minor skills.

But I was going to use a 2H weapon because of a movie I watched; a Templar Knight was using a 2H sword.

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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:31 am

I think it depends on what type of role you are playing the Paladin / Templar in terms of magic.

If they are heavily into magic support steering more towards a spellsword style of play then I'd suggest something like an Imperial (restoration, destruction & enchanting starting bonus) in enchanted light Dawnguard armor (light for less stamina drain) and then use enchanted one-handed and block with the added option of alteration and conjuration to assist if required.

Otherwise I'd go for a Nord (strong melee start) in heavy armor (better defence for a high stamina / low magicka build) with 2-handed in heavy Dawnguard or steel plate or ebony armor.

I agree that both the Dawnguard armors are some of the best looking armor available. Ebony looks good for that European Black Knight look. That is how I've dress my Nordic Knight (born and raised in Solitude).
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:01 pm

I would imagine a Crusader character as:

- Imperial

- Either Steel Plate or Heavy Dawnguard. Steel Plate + Heavy DG Helm would be best but I don't know if they look good together.

- Steel mace, temper it as your level grows.

- Shield optional.

- Only restoration magic. Use offensive spells like Turn Undead.

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