» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:52 pm
Glad to know there are intelligent people on these forums.
Get out!
Just ignore Nameless, Anti, he's one of those new console kiddies who thinks he's a mod
I don't have a console you illiterate nub. I am a crysis 1 pro. Learn to read posts wtf lol.
I think he ment that u should ignore that JustNameless guy, hahah.
Anyway they didn't have much choice. I mean CoD is the best selling fps on consoles,
so it's obvious that they take some things out of it. They're idea was to basically take
the juicy things out of CoD, and add even more juicy stuff(nanosuit, better graphics, etc.)
Also the consoles don't have the the resources to run a big ass map in Powerstruggle, and even if they had 6 vs 6 on those big ass maps would have been boring.
That's just my opinion.
I loved the first Crysis, and I'm eager to try out the PC demo and the Final release.