» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:35 pm
What do you all expect? They consolized it and Crysis is now ruined. If you want a real game just boot up Crysis and rub it in the console kiddies faces.
This demo was trash.
So is your attitude.
This isn't about what Crysis 2 lacks or has, it's about the fact that people refuse to accept it as its own game.
This is nothing like Crysis 1... Because it isn't Crysis 1.
Crytek reserve the right to do whatever they want with their games.
The biggest two complaints I've seen are basically these:
Not enough innovation.
Not like Crysis 1.
"So you want a completely realistic, down to Earth show...
That's totally off the walls and swarming with magic robots?"
Listen to this guy, please.
The demo is fantastic once you get used to a few things.
1. Jump delay. You can hate it all you want but how else would you let the player choose how high and far they want to jump? Holding the button after/"while" jumping is not practical on console controllers. I would like to see entirely different controls on PC, with the pop-up ring menu to pick your Suit Mode, but this is the Xbox 360 demo we're talking about so - irrelevant.
2. People are storming about the map in Cloak, hoping for you to be slow to react, and melee you. If you are bad at keeping your surroundings in check then equip a locating device. There is one that makes a sound when an enemy cloaks near you, and another that indicates ALL enemy presence, no exceptions. The latter is very useful, try it out. The former isn't worth the slot it takes up and there are better alternatives.
3. TACTICS WORK. They do. Play this with a strategy in mind, customize your load-out, find your own playstyle etc... You're not as "trapped" in this game as in others, Cloak and the relatively fast sprint (not compared to Crysis 1 but to other games) turn everyone into superheroes. The gap between an average player and a truly skilled one is bigger here than in other games. Of course it is hard to forsee such things but I say Crysis 2 is going to make a great game for the professional/enthusiastic type of gamers. Because skill is rewarded. This statement conflicts with basically ALL the critisizm it receives but if you freaking gave it a chance you would discover that this is one of the "deepest", most complex multiplayer titles around. It is nothing like CoD simply because in CoD everyone is a boring soldier and not even Halo compares in terms of variety of tactical decisions. And before you say Halo doesn't have tactical decisions - only a noob would think so, fact.
In closing I would like to say: **** play til rank 10 and then some, or STFU.
Your opinion about this demo isn't worth **** unless you are good at it. As long as you aren't, you are the problem, not the game.