Cry of Duty: Nanosuit Warfare 2

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:45 pm

If you can't play the game well enough, that doesn't mean the game svcks.

hahahahah finally you managed to understand that :P
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:13 am

Guys dont be so hysteric ;) Crysis 2 become better and better you can see this in every new video) Crysis 2 can take some things from CoD. My opinion is every innovation useful.

P.S. Sorry for bad english

Phantom- далеко не все русские считают что нововведения из кода портят кризис 2
Crysis 1 was innovative this is a regression ....

and I can play well any of those games , I liked also mw2 but I ordered crysis not Crycod nanosuit warfare , this is a shamefull copy ....
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CSar L
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:25 am

Guys dont be so hysteric ;) Crysis 2 become better and better you can see this in every new video) Crysis 2 can take some things from CoD. My opinion is every innovation useful.

P.S. Sorry for bad english

Phantom- далеко не все русские считают что нововведения из кода портят кризис 2
Crysis 1 was innovative this is a regression ....

and I can play well any of those games , I liked also mw2 but I ordered crysis not Crycod nanosuit warfare , this is a shamefull copy ....

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lisa nuttall
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:12 pm

The game feels like cod at first , but when you keep playing you'll notice it's nothing like cod.
Please if you don't like the game just get out of here and go play your **** mw2, no need to flood the forum with stupid posts.
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jessica breen
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:22 am

The game feels like cod at first , but when you keep playing you'll notice it's nothing like cod.
Please if you don't like the game just get out of here and go play your **** mw2, no need to flood the forum with stupid posts.

Dude shut up man. We play the old crysis, and this is a **** dumbed down version of it that decided to get in bed with cod and make some wierd test tube baby freak.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:24 am

Hmmm... Looks like we've lost some posts? Again?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:47 pm

Crysis 1 was innovative this is a regression

- Totally agree.

I will gladly buy Crysis 2 for a single company, but multiplayer just MW2-clone.

...Crytek has fallen in my eyes.
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anna ley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:58 am

Depends. Pc demo coming soon.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:08 am

Huh? Crysis 1's MP was innovative? Disregarding PS (ONLY) I can tell that this is Half-Life with Nanosuit. Saying that it was innovative is totally wrong.

How most of the poster said, IT LOOKS LIKE COD, but does play way different. Play it by yourself before you judge a game.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:04 am

ACtually power struggle as a mode was innovative !This mode was for me the best for open terrain battles with vechicles .It reminnded of onslaught from ut2k4 but in a more strategic way .
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Jason White
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:17 am

Crysis 1 power struggle was just battlefield conquest mode with the nanosuit and more outposts to capture.
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Angel Torres
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:13 pm

Well it did involve capturing points but not in the same way battlefiled did and was far more strategic in that matter . Also it had money system and not class system and it worked well .Battlefiled was simply a capture and hold the area by camping and power struggle was more of a capture and dynamically and strategically push the enemy in a point were u could control his actions and money income. So no power struggle isnt conquest mode
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:42 am

Well, I said, except for Power Struggle, nothing is really innovative in C1 MP. At least the Nanosuit, but it isn't very usefull in 80% of the situations.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:54 pm

Without the nanosuit u ll be dead in 1 sec in delta difficulty in crysis 1 . As for mp u obviously havent played much of it to say that nanosuit isnt usefull
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Avril Louise
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:35 pm

What do you all expect? They consolized it and Crysis is now ruined. If you want a real game just boot up Crysis and rub it in the console kiddies faces.

This demo was trash.
So is your attitude.

This isn't about what Crysis 2 lacks or has, it's about the fact that people refuse to accept it as its own game.
This is nothing like Crysis 1... Because it isn't Crysis 1.
Crytek reserve the right to do whatever they want with their games.

The biggest two complaints I've seen are basically these:
Not enough innovation.
Not like Crysis 1.

"So you want a completely realistic, down to Earth show...
That's totally off the walls and swarming with magic robots?"
Listen to this guy, please.

The demo is fantastic once you get used to a few things.

1. Jump delay. You can hate it all you want but how else would you let the player choose how high and far they want to jump? Holding the button after/"while" jumping is not practical on console controllers. I would like to see entirely different controls on PC, with the pop-up ring menu to pick your Suit Mode, but this is the Xbox 360 demo we're talking about so - irrelevant.

2. People are storming about the map in Cloak, hoping for you to be slow to react, and melee you. If you are bad at keeping your surroundings in check then equip a locating device. There is one that makes a sound when an enemy cloaks near you, and another that indicates ALL enemy presence, no exceptions. The latter is very useful, try it out. The former isn't worth the slot it takes up and there are better alternatives.

3. TACTICS WORK. They do. Play this with a strategy in mind, customize your load-out, find your own playstyle etc... You're not as "trapped" in this game as in others, Cloak and the relatively fast sprint (not compared to Crysis 1 but to other games) turn everyone into superheroes. The gap between an average player and a truly skilled one is bigger here than in other games. Of course it is hard to forsee such things but I say Crysis 2 is going to make a great game for the professional/enthusiastic type of gamers. Because skill is rewarded. This statement conflicts with basically ALL the critisizm it receives but if you freaking gave it a chance you would discover that this is one of the "deepest", most complex multiplayer titles around. It is nothing like CoD simply because in CoD everyone is a boring soldier and not even Halo compares in terms of variety of tactical decisions. And before you say Halo doesn't have tactical decisions - only a noob would think so, fact.

In closing I would like to say: **** play til rank 10 and then some, or STFU.
Your opinion about this demo isn't worth **** unless you are good at it. As long as you aren't, you are the problem, not the game.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:36 am

Well it did involve capturing points but not in the same way battlefiled did and was far more strategic in that matter . Also it had money system and not class system and it worked well .Battlefiled was simply a capture and hold the area by camping and power struggle was more of a capture and dynamically and strategically push the enemy in a point were u could control his actions and money income. So no power struggle isnt conquest mode

Well Said ...

In closing I would like to say: **** play til rank 10 and then some, or STFU.
Your opinion about this demo isn't worth **** unless you are good at it. As long as you aren't, you are the problem, not the game.

That sums up everything that the Ilikecodwithscifistuff players can say ...
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:25 pm

That sums up everything that the Ilikecodwithscifistuff players can say ...
That is more something a Icanacceptchanges player can say. He said everything I was talking about all the time: It's about some peop?e here not accepting, that Crytek wants to change something. A sequel doesn't mean rolling everything from the first game, and don't change anything or add anything new. That would be inproductive and not worth 50€.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:31 am

Meh, the older people like me have problems with this "tiny maps and a nanosuit" because were used to older style games. We liked Crysis because it gave us a new big world to explore, and the nanosuit seemed to fit it. Before this were games like Doom and Quake with deathmatch. There are some really good mods for Quake like True Combat and Urban Terror ( now pretty much dead ) which had some really good small maps, the style of which I really haven't seen since. But they just wouldn't work with a nanosuit. That's the problem for people like me. Its not so much the small map ( though I think the ones in Crysis are pretty small ), its more the bouncing off the walls speed they have in the game. Too much speed and too many gimicks. It just doesn't feel right. In a small map, I just don't like the nanosuit.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:03 am

i really want to play the demo so i can decide whether to buy the game or not. i'm guessing it's going to be a not (sadly). i quit call of duty for a reason. why would i now want to play my favorite shooter as call of duty? i'm not writing off crysis 2 just yet. it may still have some redeeming qualities if the other game modes come through or if the game has many customizable options to dismantle the cod inspired features. i'm just severely disappointed crytek went for the money rather than a legendary game. i consider the first crysis highly successful. maybe it didn't sell as much as crytek hoped, but that's not due to the gameplay or piracy. it was the steep requirements and only being on pc. now that both seem to be taken care of, there is no reason crytek needed to compromise their innovation. bfbc2 didn't make as much money as call of duty, but it won far more awards than cod (if cod won any awards at all). dice stayed true to themselves and it shows. they made some compromises for consoles (smaller levels and less vehicles and players), but overall it stayed very much battlefield. also, do i even have to reference valve here? valve is probably the most successful dev and they don't compromise for anyone. they make the game they want to make. they take of the community. they don't money grab. they are extremely successful.

i'm sorry for the long and unorganized post. the first crysis was just so amazing! to see integrity go out the window so easily is very disheartening. i'm not completely giving up on crysis 2, but i'm not going to pre-order today like i would have 6 months ago. every new video shows more and more features that make cod what it is...mainstream garbage made to make money. not a game made to be please gamers.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:48 pm

Well it did involve capturing points but not in the same way battlefiled did and was far more strategic in that matter . Also it had money system and not class system and it worked well .Battlefiled was simply a capture and hold the area by camping and power struggle was more of a capture and dynamically and strategically push the enemy in a point were u could control his actions and money income. So no power struggle isnt conquest mode

Well Said ...

In closing I would like to say: **** play til rank 10 and then some, or STFU.
Your opinion about this demo isn't worth **** unless you are good at it. As long as you aren't, you are the problem, not the game.

That sums up everything that the Ilikecodwithscifistuff players can say ...

I read the NowGamer article. And then I read the comments—complete and utter disagreement with the writer. That guy sounds like a person who didn't understand the game at all. More importantly, however; he didn't even want to understand it in the first place.

Do they pay these writers? Jesus.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:57 am

i dont think that Crysis 2 is like COD...because there are several diferents on this 2 games , we all know that COD weapon aim is FAKE seriusly haha fast sniping , standar aim even if you jump , crazy killstrikes that becomes anoying , easy to camp , and if i tell you now that you are on your own i think you will agree .. i dont have seen players be together as a team , they just rush alone , knife runners , full protection behind a barrel instead of a wall xD..

About Crysis 2 if you want to camp will not be easy while 1st: you need to be active in your team ( get kills dont stay ) 2nd: they can find you because they detect you if you are with stealth mode. 3rd: working with your team will bring the victory ( since the game is 6v6 then is becoming strategick ) 4rd: i dont know how many killstrikes have but i am sure that it dosent have the Nuke,AC30,the crazy choper shooting bombs all the time and airstrike and the stealth bomber xD , the sniping is normal ( no fast sniping ) and i dont have seen grenade launcher in any gameplay wich that gets out the GL noob wich all saying in COD ^^
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Amy Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:38 am

So your logic is that every shooter that is in first person and had multiplayer copies cod? Sad, sad troll.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:19 am

I must say that I have been enjoying Black Ops a ton so far. Note, I really only play hardcoe Search and Destroy. The game design and feeling itself has a ton of feeling similar to Counter Strike (just there is aiming, less health, killstreaks, and unlocks). Sure it has bad port problems for some, but it runs flawlessly for me. CoD 4 was mostly a ripoff of CSS for consoles, and they have been refining the gameplay since then.

If Crysis 2 were to have a gamemode variant with no respawning like Search and Destroy, I would freaking love it. :)
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:09 am

Well it did involve capturing points but not in the same way battlefiled did and was far more strategic in that matter . Also it had money system and not class system and it worked well .Battlefiled was simply a capture and hold the area by camping and power struggle was more of a capture and dynamically and strategically push the enemy in a point were u could control his actions and money income. So no power struggle isnt conquest mode

Well Said ...

In closing I would like to say: **** play til rank 10 and then some, or STFU.
Your opinion about this demo isn't worth **** unless you are good at it. As long as you aren't, you are the problem, not the game.

That sums up everything that the Ilikecodwithscifistuff players can say ...
My point was that in order to reach rank 10 you have to put up with the game for quite some time, and in that time you might discover ways to play the game that are very much like attacking a village of Koreans in the first game's Singleplayer.

This IS Crysis 2, not only in name. Playing the game until I was skilled at it was what convinced me of the good intentions of the developers. Maybe go back to an Unreal Tournament before 3 and check out how simplistic and straight forward the gameplay is. And then watch videos of pros online and realize that the UT games allowed for a LOT of tactics. (I'm just not a fan of basically any game from the early UE3 phase, gaming-historically speaking.)
If your only critisizm were the similarities to CoD which I don't deny but think fit right in with the close quarter combat approach. The CoD franchise didn't invent much itself, the elements they use are not categorically bad! Another developer that uses some of them will not end up with a clone title unless they want to (or can't afford not to). The Crysis 2 demo really doesn't play this way to me.

In the long run the tactical use of the suit modes and your energy are THE most important features, just like they ought to be.

Stuff that worried real gamers for a while, like the stomp move, turned out to be small features that stay in their place. The Stomp will rarely bring you any multikills, the Enemy Tracker in the same slot is a way more attractive choice imo.

I never hear convincing examples of why this game is "like CoD" (in a negative way). And what I see happening in the game is that anyone who attempts to play it "like CoD" ends up getting pwnd in the visor while there is also a skilled elite of players that maneuvers around the map decimating them. Trying to play this like CoD will lead to nothing but nerd rage, whereas using the suit puts you in total control over any situation. Be efficient and use the environment. Break the line of sight in combination with Cloak, or switch to Armor when someone rushes at you. In armor mode you can take 2 melees and most cloak rushers simply only turn off cloak before hitting because they're used to a one-hit kill. Stuff like this is what makes it very different from CoD. What seems like noob friendly overpowered features to you now turns out to work against CoD type behaviour because, think forward: When everyone has made it routine to switch to Armor in Melee, melee will be more of a duel than an instant kill. Players that don't use the nanosuit will be easy prey and in general it will be a lot harder to kill anyone once a majority of the community reaches a certain level of skill.

You're judging the birth of a game as one would review an established classic.

And to those who don't own a 360, I beg you to be patient and wait for gameplay videos of people who have mastered the game in some way before you judge it. Most of what you find now are (literally) noobs who are excited to be playing the game rather than giving you an accurate depiction of how the game feels like to play.
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:18 am

Well said InternetWhiteKnight. The only problem with your post is that most of these *cough* idiots* cough* people who are complaining about this game aren't going to bother reading your post. At least not in full.
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