» Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:58 am
did it ever occur to people that the reason people are complaining about the elements from cod being in crysis 2 is because those people don't like cod? hmmm?
from the perspective of a cod player, i can understand not caring about crysis 2 resembling cod. cuz it looks like an improved cod.
now from the perspective of a non cod player (me), i don't like how cod works. so why can't i be irritated that the formula of crysis (which i loved) has now been thrown out and replaced with the cod formula (which i dislike very much)? does this make sense?
this is gamesas, home of crysis and crysis 2. expect players from the original to show up when talking about the sequel. and if players from the orginal are still around, you can bet they liked it. it is plenty understandable that this is an issue for some people. all the people that say "stop complaining!" you stop complaining about us complaining. we realize the game has taken a different direction and it's either going to take some time for us to adjust or finally decide that crysis 2 has no place in our gaming library. once the demo comes out for pc we can finally put it to the test. but until then, this is a forum where you discuss stuff and highest on the list right now is why did they have to completely scrap the old formula.
as i stated before, i'm withholding my final judgement, but i'm not very optimistic.
The problem is, instead of keeping it objective (like you) they are flaming us, Crytek, the game, pretty much everything. They don't want to accept the changes, but it seems like they calmed down a bit. I mean, when they want to flame, they should go somewhere else, but this is supposed to be a productive forum. And I hate flamers >_>
sadly the flaming goes both ways. it's inevitable when you have two opposing sides that are both passionate.
@talon crysis 2 retains some of the things that made crysis great, but adds new features that either overturns them or dumbs them down. at least, this is how it seems to me as of now. crysis was about choice and using the nanosuit to your style of gameplay. it seems the nanosuit might still do that a bit, but it has been dulled because of killstreaks and perks. i'm not sure how the balance between suit modes is, but they seem to take away a bit of the tactical play crysis has.
crysis 2 also ripped out a couple of key ingredients people loved. big maps, a lot of players, and vehicles. personally, some of the vehicles were a nuisance. i like the jeeps and pickups, but the tanks, vtols, and choppers could ruin a balanced game. making crysis 2 more infantry based seems ok to me, but 6v6 seems very limiting.
what i hate from cod is small round maps with random spawn points and killstreaks. those are my most hated features. there are more like cheap knife attacks, one hit snipers at almost all times, the focus on k/d, and more. i could say more, but i don't want to drone on too much.