Cry " Not So Good, ...

Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:44 pm

I have the PC Version Crysis 2 Limited Edition, Retail,

I use Stream and downloaded the Crysis 2 demo thru Steam, I made a user name and password and played for about a week, around a week later i went back to steam to sign in to get a game of the Crysis2 Demo to find no servers at all.
After that i (cleaned my browser sign in data and lost my password) ? anyway ..., although the game had just hit the shelves so to speak anyway, i installed Crysis 2.
Three days ago now to find i cant sign into multi player as my password at sign in & my serial number is not remembered strange anyway i have talked to EA and they assure me there is a fix on way, kind of frustrating to think there are people out there playing getting where i want to be while i twiddle my thumbs waiting on a fix Tick Tock ... B4LLi
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alyssa ALYSSA
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