» Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:16 am
Hey guys, So I know there's already like hundreds of threads about the problems Crysis has but I have yet to find one that talks specifically about the connection/lag/hit detection issues. So when I first started out playing C2 (when I was level 1-10) It was actually really easy for me, mostly because I'm a natural at fps games (not trying to brag/gloat/flex my text muscles) but I mean I think I can safely say that any natural fps gamer probably found the beginner lobby to be pretty easy, saying that, I never really ever noticed the connection issues or the fact that not all of my shots were making contact, or that I constantly had to shoot an entire clip into someone just for the kill simply because n00bs are n00bs and they take little to no effort to out shoot/kill. after I hit level 11 I was obviously forced to go into the standard lobby, which is fine, I was happy that there would be a little more challenge to the multiplayer experience, but then I actually started to notice these issues. it seems like almost every game I get into I usually have a 1,2 and on a rare occasion a 3 bar connection which I find pretty odd considering I have a 12mbps down and a 2mbps upload speed on 30 ping, although I guess I should be pretty thankful considering that when I look at the scoreboard everyone else has a 1 and rare 2 bar while host has 3-4 bars.
Internet speed aside I find it difficult to get into a gunfight and actually win, and no trolls it's not because I svck at fps' so stop trying to start a flame war, I seriously just can't seem to win the fight, when I look back at the kill cam it usually shows me not reacting fast enough, or all my bullets just flying on by, or the other guy just killing me just by aiming and not firing a single shot (like literally an aim and I'm dead ((and no it's not because of the gauss attachment because that takes 2 hits to kill with energy)), all that aside on my side it seems like I have to load AN ENTIRE CLIP just to kill someone, like I'm literally left with about 3-5 rounds after shooting at a non or semi moving target a couple of feet away from me. Or sometimes I'll be walking around turn the corner and there's some guy with his back towards me, start shooting, he turns, shoots back, and gets the kill. when I look at the kill cam it shows his life draining, but some how, for some reason, he gets away, turns, and kills me with like 3 shots, armor on and all. At first I try to tell myself wow, that kid ate some bullets, but it seems to happen in about 80% of the gun fights I get into, even after the training phase, my kd balanced out to about a 1.7, but lately it's been plummeting down to about a 1.2ish because of all the issues.
As of now I've decided to just put the game down, as addicting as it is. I know I'm better than this, and I know it's not just me but the connection issues. It seems that the only people that ever do good in a match are the super experienced level 40+'s or the host with the 4 bar. All my ranting aside I was wondering if anyone else was having the same problem or is in my same situation. And remember kids be nice, I'm not trying to start a war or anything here I'm just looking for a solution/answer. Thanks for your time.