CryEngine 3 > Crysis 2 | A features comparison

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:43 am

Look at this video:
And this thread:

And here's the list of features in the video and the thread, followed by whether or not I have seen them in Crysis 2. The excluded ones are either basic features or are difficult to evaluate. They are also excluded from the score.


Dynamic Time of Day - NO - 0

Deferred Lighting - Excluded

Color Grading - YES - 1

Blend shading - YES - 1

Procedural Destruction* - ALMOST NONE - 0.2

Integrated Physics - POOR QUALITY** - 0.3

Procedural Deformation - SOME - 0.5

Dynamic Cover System - YES - 1

Hit reactions - YES - 1

Live Create - NO*** - 0

Facial Animation - YES - 1

HDR Rendering - YES - 1

Lighting - Excluded (basic 3d feature)

Dynamic Shadows - YES - 1

SSAO - YES - 1

Global Illumination - YES - 1

Deferred decals - Excluded

Screen-Space Self-Shadowing - NO - 0.1

Water rendering - LESSER QUALITY - 0.6

Wave Propagation - LESSER QUALITY - 0.7

Underwater Effects - YES - 1

Postprocessing - YES - 1

Post MSAA - Excluded


* There is hardly any of this, and the pieces quickly disappear.
** The physics are very poor in Crysis 2. Drive a vehicle and you'll see what I mean.
*** It may be used for the game, but the editor did not come with the game.


So, the above scores added up out of total 20 features:


Which is OK... But I don't see why features were removed like this.

If anything up there is incorrect, please tell me. Enjoy!
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:46 pm

Console port.
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:31 am

Things must have been dumbed down for the consoles indeed. Or were left out to boost performance.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:29 pm

Water is lesser quality? WTF? Have you even plaed Crysis 2? The water is the best water I've ever seen. It's realistic too..since it's dirty.

Another thing there is dynamic night and day but it goes slower than in Crysis 1. Well it's half there. Some of the missions have it while in others it's not very noticable.

Why did you exclude deferred lighting and decals?
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krystal sowten
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:57 am

Water is lesser quality? WTF? Have you even plaed Crysis 2? The water is the best water I've ever seen. It's realistic too..since it's dirty.

Another thing there is dynamic night and day but it goes slower than in Crysis 1. Well it's half there. Some of the missions have it while in others it's not very noticable.

Why did you exclude deferred lighting and decals?

I excluded them because I wasn't exactly sure what to look for when evaluating them. The water IS lesser quality than in the thread I linked (At least I think so. Thoughts on this?)
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:26 am

Water is lesser quality? WTF? Have you even plaed Crysis 2? The water is the best water I've ever seen. It's realistic too..since it's dirty.

Another thing there is dynamic night and day but it goes slower than in Crysis 1. Well it's half there. Some of the missions have it while in others it's not very noticable.

Why did you exclude deferred lighting and decals?

I excluded them because I wasn't exactly sure what to look for when evaluating them. The water IS lesser quality than in the thread I linked (At least I think so. Thoughts on this?)

No it's the exact same's from the mission Lab Rat, except Crytek noclipped and took a screenshot from a different angle. The second screenshot is from Extreme settings on PC.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:51 am

I'm going to have to sit on the bench for water.
Because its really hard and not fair comparing C1 and C2 water, as the one had ocean waves crashing against the shore of a tropical island, while the other is pretty much a North American River or harbor.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:06 pm

Every thread like this i see how Crytek downgraded the graphics.


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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:04 am

Console port.

Impossible. This is the CryEngine 3. It's not a console or PC port. It's a multiplatform game made to work on all platforms and being awesome on them all.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:40 am

I think its quite easy to score C1 points for its water. If you took a dive in the ocean at the beginning of Crysis 2 you will see right away that the first game wins.... I think. Waves aren't as realistic if that is where we are getting at.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:26 am

Interaction with the world elements is not that great. I was often getting stuck trying to go around a wall or barrel, even debris. Most games will automatically make your character step up and over debris if it is small enough. This game however makes you jump everytime you reach debris. Half the time jumping doesnt even work. You have to back up and press jump to get it to work. All of the controls seem to be buggy. I just wish they would remove the velcro from the suit and walls so I would stop getting stuck to them.

The AI is a joke in the game. Enemies see you behind objects that should clearly abstruct their view. Shadows and dark spots have no meaning in this game since I guess we all have a big glowing bullseye on our suits that tell enemies "here I am".

I see the Physix however not all elements in the game can be manipulated. I would like to see a building actually show damage when shooting a rocket at it as opposed to just seeing debris fall. Where did the debris come from?

It has been a long time since I played the original but I thought there was a setting in the suit that you could use to increase strength. I dont see that in this game. Kicking vehicals and grabbing enemies and crushing their necks is dissapointing. I liked being able to actually see the cars and objects fly like in the original. Maybe I am missing something but half the time when kicking the car it only moves an inch or two. Hitting your enemies in the original knocked them back and senseless. In this game the strength feature looks like it was dumbed down. I just dont feel as powerful as I did in the original Crysis.

Overall the experience in the suit this time around just feels like elements are missing. The idea I think was that the game was suppose to feed you more with the alien dna being introduced into the suit but overall it feels like features were taken away and replaced with junk features that are a joke. Most of which cannot be bought because you can't save the Nano Catalyst in the game due to the bug.

I just didnt feel like this was a true sequel. It felt like the idea was handed to people that were not completely familiar with the original story and they have it half right. Like everyone else I am also dissapointed in the fact that this is currently a port console. I really do hope that they plan to release some updates that will give us PC gamers something more. DX11, more advanced physix would be nice. I just dont feel that this release lived up to the hype.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:36 pm

Why is it that you think they need to use ALL the features of the engine for one game? does CounterStrike:Source use physics that are havoc worthy? Crytek is looking to license the engine out like Source, quake and unreal... what about a Farcry 4? that might use the dynamic time of day... you don't create an engine for ONE game... they reason the show it with the crysis skin is that that was the only one done...
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:26 am

Interaction with the world elements is not that great. I was often getting stuck trying to go around a wall or barrel, even debris. Most games will automatically make your character step up and over debris if it is small enough. This game however makes you jump everytime you reach debris. Half the time jumping doesnt even work. You have to back up and press jump to get it to work. All of the controls seem to be buggy. I just wish they would remove the velcro from the suit and walls so I would stop getting stuck to them. (...)

(...) I really do hope that they plan to release some updates that will give us PC gamers something more. DX11, more advanced physix would be nice. I just dont feel that this release lived up to the hype.

Maybe in two or three months there will be more mods for it. I think Crytek doesn't insert the destructives physics and alot of cool stuff in the game 'cause of the consoles.

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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:27 am

Why is it that you think they need to use ALL the features of the engine for one game? does CounterStrike:Source use physics that are havoc worthy? Crytek is looking to license the engine out like Source, quake and unreal... what about a Farcry 4? that might use the dynamic time of day... you don't create an engine for ONE game... they reason the show it with the crysis skin is that that was the only one done...

In the video, Crytek shows the features in a "gameplay", watch again the video.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:54 am

Console port.
It's a multiplatform game made to work on the xbox and simultaneously creating a gimped xbox-friendly version for them all!

Fixed your post.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:21 am

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Sophie Miller
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:01 pm

Console port.

Impossible. This is the CryEngine 3. It's not a console or PC port. It's a multiplatform game made to work on all platforms and being awesome on them all.

Except in terms of features offered it's actually inferior in the PC version to its predecessor. The biggest offender here is destructible environments, but the AI and other elements are also inferior.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:48 am

Console port.

Impossible. This is the CryEngine 3. It's not a console or PC port. It's a multiplatform game made to work on all platforms and being awesome on them all.

Except in terms of features offered it's actually inferior in the PC version to its predecessor. The biggest offender here is destructible environments, but the AI and other elements are also inferior.

AI inferior? And destructible environments?

Well for destructability you will not find hay shacks with metal plated roofs to blow up in New York City. Any concrete building in Crysis 1 was not destrucitble.

Also AI? The AI in Crysis 2 are buggy but they really shine in many cases. Crysis 1 AI were terrible. The Koreans would literally stand around and look the other way if you shot them and say "Where did he go?" "Come out and fight you coward!"

At least the AI in Crysis 2 are responsive and don't turn around and mastvrbate when you throw a grenade their way.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:36 am

Well for destructability you will not find hay shacks with metal plated roofs to blow up in New York City. Any concrete building in Crysis 1 was not destrucitble.

If I shoot a concrete column with an APC's cannon, or rockets, I expect it to be destroyed. If I cover a Kiosk in C4 I damn well expect it to be blown away. Hell, at the very least, I expect to be able to knock over a light post with my APC instead of having to drive around it. GTA4 had that much destructability.

I'm not talking about knocking down skyscraqers here. I understand that doing something like that is impractical, even on PC. I'm talking about blowing holes in walls like DICE was able to do with the Frostbite engine.

Also AI? The AI in Crysis 2 are buggy but they really shine in many cases. Crysis 1 AI were terrible. The Koreans would literally stand around and look the other way if you shot them and say "Where did he go?" "Come out and fight you coward!"

The AI in Crysis was more realistic. If I hid in cover - bushes, shadows, etc. - the AI couldn't find me. In Crysis 2 they largely ignore line of sight and start coming for me as soon as they see me for the first time, regardless of if I cloak and hide.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:38 am

SO you're say it makes sense for the AI to stand around doing nothing after you disappear (having already seen you), than to approach your last known location? Use your brain.

I agree that Frostbite-destructibility would have been nice, but I don't think its fair to make a judgement without knowing exactly what CryENGINE 3 is capable of. However Crysis 2 is no less destructible than Crysis 1. I could cover a wooden table in C4s in the original and it would be left intact (albeit in a different place).
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:29 pm

SO you're say it makes sense for the AI to stand around doing nothing after you disappear (having already seen you), than to approach your last known location? Use your brain.

That's what they did in Crysis. In Crysis 2, they approach my CURRENT location. It's like they can see through my cloak. I don't know how many times I died because those big 3-legged tank walkers would follow me around shooting me while cloaked.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:43 am

How close were you? If you didn't move fast enough from where you cloaked... The AI is allowed to see you cloaked within a certain distance.

And very rarely did the Crysis 1 AI approach my last known location. Trust me. I played the campaign again last week.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:32 am

How close were you? If you didn't move fast enough from where you cloaked... The AI is allowed to see you cloaked within a certain distance.

Usually I duck behind a building or something before I cloak. I try to break line of sight, which worked reasonably well in the original Crysis. It's kind of hit and miss in Crysis 2.

And this is just one issue I have with the AI. Let's not forget about the bugs - AI getting stuck in the walls, shooting through walls and objects, etc.

And very rarely did the Crysis 1 AI approach my last known location. Trust me. I played the campaign again last week.

Really? They did it to me all the time. It was pretty fun to snipe one or two Koreans, then cloak and move. Then watch them all run up to where you sniped from, and then chuck a grenade up there.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:50 pm

At least the AI in Crysis 2 are responsive and don't turn around and mastvrbate when you throw a grenade their way.
No, the enemies in Crysis 2 don′t have the time to mastvrbate, since they are too busy with grenade-killing them selfes.

Why is it that you think they need to use ALL the features of the engine for one game? does CounterStrike:Source use physics that are havoc worthy? Crytek is looking to license the engine out like Source, quake and unreal... what about a Farcry 4? that might use the dynamic time of day... you don't create an engine for ONE game... they reason the show it with the crysis skin is that that was the only one done...

Counterstrike Source was never advertised as the new graphical miracle machine. The Cryengine 3, on the other hand, is exactly advertised with this argument.
And after all the fuzz Crytek released a game which apparently is not even trying to reach the full potential of their new engine.

Don′t you think this is kinda stupid? And I believe that any potential customer will think the same way - a new Porsche was promised and advertised and at the first test drive the thing not only behaves like like a 5 year old beaten down station wagon, but all the cool features from the preceding model are missing too? Would you believe the same tech stuffed into a new chassis will suddenly make you win races?
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:52 am

Woof, I was playing Crysis 2 on the second hardest difficulty (piece-of-cake), and when I would drop out of cloak, like, 300 feet behind them, they would start shooting me in a second, like the only way they could make this game difficult was to give the AI bs powers of detections, and not real, human like strategy.
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