In Crysis 2 the animations were even worst and i think that this happens because the devs just dont know what a beach looks like...
For example, in the deep sea there are alot of random waves like they did in crysis 2 , but that only happens when there are storms, normaly the ocean is very quiet and still with just a little bit of waves , in that part crysis 1 nailed it ,it was just perfect ( rememeber the last level of crysis? the storm was on and the waves were raging....) (and in the first level there was no storm and the sea was quiet and still) Crysis 2 they have just putted rage waves in everything that was water...not good
Crysis 1 water animations were amazing but still there was something that was missing...the beach waves, those lined up waves that come to shore that u would love to surf...that is what is missing!!! With the improved Cryengine 3 , u (devs) could make the ocean like crysis 1 in crysis 3, but add those beach waves that i think that everybody loves ... if there is not a scene in crysis 3 that has that possibility just add it in cryengine sdk, i could just imagine people making level with great beaches and realistic waves
File comment: if u didn't understand , this is what i meant

PismoBeachWaves.jpg [ 30.72 KiB | Viewed 532 times ]
PismoBeachWaves.jpg [ 30.72 KiB | Viewed 532 times ]
sunset-beach-waves.jpg [ 44.85 KiB | Viewed 531 times ]
sunset-beach-waves.jpg [ 44.85 KiB | Viewed 531 times ]
.X chantelle .x Smith - Posts: 3399
- Joined: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:25 pm
did you also install certain graphic mods? These mods made crysis seriously beautiful, also the water. Best i have seen in a game untill now! And crysis with its mods is how old already?
Kira! :))) - Posts: 3496
- Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:07 pm
@ Kabrita
Have you been in NY? Have you seen how dark the water is in that city?
Also when you look at waters like the hudson river at a stormy day....lets say the swell could be very harsh.
Have you been in NY? Have you seen how dark the water is in that city?
Also when you look at waters like the hudson river at a stormy day....lets say the swell could be very harsh.
Sami Blackburn - Posts: 3306
- Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:56 am
I think he means the pattern of the waves are unrealistic. The animations could be better, I admit. However, the water itself is realistic, but I don't think that OP meant to address that.
Emily Martell - Posts: 3469
- Joined: Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:41 am
well, i have never been to NY , i guess in that point you can correct me , and don't get me wrong ,cryengine has possibly the best water animations ever , but they're still not life like , like i said it would be awesome if they added those waves in cryengine to make paradisiac levels like sometimes i do...
Rebekah Rebekah Nicole - Posts: 3477
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:47 pm
please keep in mind that part 2 was made for the console!! You are missing out one 1 very important matter. The console has restrictions. Even the water in crysis 1 on the pc looked better then this, and that game came out years ago. The console is a fixed machine with hardware that cant go where the pc can go / continue. To have good looking graphics with realistic element, you need RAW POWER!! The consle doenst really have that
did you press play and see how good that 5 year old pc looked with mods? Compair that to the useless console nowadays and there is your reason why the water looks like crap in part 2. RESTRICIONS OF RAW POWER AND MULTI PLATFORM DEVELOPMENT!
did you press play and see how good that 5 year old pc looked with mods? Compair that to the useless console nowadays and there is your reason why the water looks like crap in part 2. RESTRICIONS OF RAW POWER AND MULTI PLATFORM DEVELOPMENT!
Scared humanity - Posts: 3470
- Joined: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:41 am
People , im just asking to add the animations in cryengine 3...i'm not saying crytek should focus in water animations instead of gameplay!!!
Since Crysis i've been making personal maps and i wanted to add that realistic beach waves effect...that's all
Since Crysis i've been making personal maps and i wanted to add that realistic beach waves effect...that's all
josie treuberg - Posts: 3572
- Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:56 am
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