» Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:03 pm
Thank you. Warth, and Evo.
Someone gets it. It has nothing to do with consoles holding anything back, Carmack gets it. Devs make the choice on how to develop the game. Crytek made obvious bad ones. They've even stated that. Yet you always find deluded individuals who claim consoles magically made the game. If devs PUSH it on PC to the max, then use that as a base for consoles. Most of the time, it will turn out lovely. Sloppyness shows.
You could even say COD left a bad taste. Generated millions, and showed how lazy work can generate income. It's like the community are saying, until COD doesn't meet Activisions sales targets, dont expect anything 'new' to be included. Which from a business perspective is true. Don't fix what isn't broken.
Like I keep saying, the industry is craving money. This is the result. I do hope C3 does a much better job, and is fully packaged on all platforms.IF devs push for PC focus it can turn out differently? Of course, but how hard does it seem for them to do that, how many more years would that have taken Crytek? How much easier is it not to and how is the thing causing and creating the bad choices, cuts and limitations not in any way responsible for the outcome??
You know that if Crysis 2 had full PC focus, there would be many elements of the game and gameplay being felt on the PC but not at all on the console counterpart. That's how deep the difference is, and it's more than just graphical limitations, a lot more.
I'm sorry, but whether you see it enough or not, and whether inadvertantly or not, consoles are continually bringing their restrictions, drawbacks and lacking of ability to the PC.
I hoped such PC focus could happen for Crysis 2, given its amazing roots as well, but it didn't happen, and doesn't happen for many other games. So it becomes a fact that among all parts of the problem, the nature of consoles (which pretty much holds hands with the money craving in this) is a big one of them.
What I was aiming at is the fact that devs can do much better than what they do now. If they did, the 'difference' wouldn't be as huge as many individuals like to point out. Everyone knows PC WILL ALWAYS be able to do more than consoles. I'm well aware that you'll notice differences. It doesn't need to be said 93448938492849389439 times. Hence why some devs stick to PC.
If a game which doesn't get any real changes can beat sales records, and generate ridiculous amounts of money. You don't think publishers wouldn't attempt to tap into that? It's a business. If they decide to do that, then yes, sacrifices will be made.
Maybe Crytek will do what CDP did with Witcher 2. Release on PC, and then bring onto consoles if its possible, without damaging all platforms at the same time. (doubt they'd do that though) Come on, the demo on PC had a freaking console start-up. The PS3 beta was pulled early, which meant lack of time to get feedback. There were a load of poor choices made.
All you can hope for is that Crytek learnt.