I know that ongoing open beta has the most of your interest, but I hope this post will catch a bit of your attention as well.
I would like to present you the project I have been working on for quite some time now. It's called Cryleague.net.
Before I start, there are two things I would like to say:
1) I would like to thank to my brother who's been helping me with this project. He did those "undoable" things and Cryleague would be far from where it is right now without his help. In the name of everyone who will ever enjoy Cryleague (in any way) - thank you

2) My second comment is directed towards Crytek and it's considering the logo Cryleague.net is using. I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be much surprised if it breaks some Crytek's graphical copyright. I'm writing this here, on Crytek's official forum, in good faith and hope you guys will appreciate the effort we put into creating Cryleague and let us use the logo.
With that said, let me describe what Cryleague is about.
The idea behind Cryleague is to provide every possible service which Crysis fan can have. We don't have everything under the roof right now, but I will talk about that later. Before that, I will just describe features Cryleague is offering right now:
1) Live streams
Live stream of anyone (registered or not) who wishes to cast their gameplay will be automatically listed and watchable on Cryleague. There are just two conditions you have to fulfill:
- you have to have an account on twitch.tv
- you have to set broadcast in your twitch.tv dashboard to "Crysis 3"
After that, your stream will automatically appear on Cryleague for others to watch.
2) Videos
Cryleague implements some of the Google/YouTube functionality. Registered members who upload their videos to YouTube are offered the option to submit these videos on Cryleague as well. After that, these videos will be listed directly on Cryleague and users will be able to watch them and comment them directly via Cryleague's interface. The only condition you have to fulfill for interacting with these videos is to have valid Google account.
Please know that the current videos present in the list are just placeholders.
3) Downloads
Right now, only CrysisConsole (aka SiggyCON) is available for download. However, I'm aware of some really skilled and talented developers, modders, mapmakers which are members of this community (like Blutaar, HNT, WaRSPiRiT, etc...) and I just hope there will be interest from their site to publish their stuff on Cryleague as well. It's definitely one of the services it's meant to provide.
4) Server administration
At this very moment, users are allowed to register their Crysis 2/3 server on Cryleague. You're allowed to describe you server and explain the rules players have to obey. After the server is registered, it will be listed in the list of all registered servers. I hope this will bring better communication between players and server admins.
This functionality is far from "done", but we're not able to continue with this until Crysis 3 is released. I would like to say that as soon as we get familiar with some technical aspect of Crysis 3 server, as soon as we understand how to communicate with it, we will bring server administration directly into Cryleague's interface. Please know that this is something we would really like to focus on and Cryleague's architecture is already set up to handle this type of functionality. Right now, the amount of support we will be able to provide actually depends more on Crytek than Cryleague.
5) Cryleague
This functionality is not released yet and I would like to talk about it a bit. I've been talking about all kind of functionality Cryleague.net is already offering. However, none of those is the "ultimate" goal of this site.
One of the main goal of Cryleague.net is to provide support for Crysis tournaments as well as continuous competitive gaming (creation of league system). And once again, I'd like to direct couple of words towards Crytek:
Please, give us the ability to obtain the post-match data. We want to know how Crysis 3 match ended, what players were playing it, what was their score in the match, what was the mode... Please, give us some way to get those data (server API, some generated file after the match, anything we could use...). We will take care of the rest. I believe this is something this community deserves and is not that difficult to do.
To sum this up - if you guys like the ideas above, please raise your voice. Let Crytek know that this is something we want/need. If not, it's OK. If there is anything you like about Cryleague, please let us know. If there is anything you hate about Cryleague, please let us know. Feedback means everything to us!