This isnt me being a class A troll so yhea........ Wahhhhhhhhhhhh im on PS3 and i have to wait a week to get the DLC .... and its killing me i did a job to get some money to buy this ...... and psn store ISNT up ... so i gess i will just have to wait it out. ....... so i gess i will work on a charecter.
You're going to be waiting an extra 2 weeks before you can get the DLC. That is if the rumors that the gaming media are reporting are true. Supposedly Sony sent game developers a memo saying the store would be back up on May 24th. there will be 2 updates per week. The 24th, 27th, 31st, and June 3rd. Honest Hearts will be on the store on the 3rd update. I'd be willing to bet all the people interested in getting their freebies will shut down the store, because everyone will be trying to do it at once. So it could be past June 3rd that we get Honest Hearts on PS3. I just hope Sony puts some kind of "flow control" in place so you don't have thousands upon thousands of people trying to access the free content at once. I don't understand why they can't just put all the content missed up in one update, it's stupid if you ask me. There is plenty of content that many people want that was suppose to be released during the outage. We've waiting long enough, and yet they still insist on dragging it out longer.