» Sat Oct 04, 2008 9:07 pm
You know, the lag is annoying but you can always figure out what games are gonna lag & leave them. What really pisses me off is the host migration. It worked the first day this game was online, but hasn't done so since. Yesterday I went 11-1, next person was 4-4 & my gin ship just came out, host left. It kicked me from the game and I about freaked. Its just a game though, started another. Got off to a good start, ended up at 12-3 with 3 Orbital strikes in a row at Wall street, next player was 5-2 & the host quit again. I about turned it off, but decided I would go on. By this point I was ranting to the lobbies about how the game was screwing me, and the hosts hate it when someone is doing really good. Well 2 games after the last host migration failed I was winning again and it went. Just so happened the next game I was host, and where my connection is bad I cant find anyone. 30 seconds left in the match I'm at 19-3 & someone else's gunship is keeping mine from appearing. They end up tieing me, so I left the session & dropped their game (hey, it happened to me 4 times so I wanted other people to get on the campaign to get this fixxed). Luckily I ended up winning a few anyway, went 25-3 once, but I played about 4 hours and was seriously about to give up on Crysis for the first time.
My point is that there is nothing I can do about the host quitting. They are a lot more likely to quit when someone is dominating a match 2 minutes in and there is no chance for a comeback, so subsequently I get my best efforts thwarted by host migration. That is extremely frustrating, and some people rarely get good streaks going, so I would say its doubly frustrating for someone that doesn't have an IA win and it happens when they are leading.
Next I would like to adress the leaderboard. I see that you fixxed the boosters, and that is a step in the right direction, but I could do alright on the boards against the boosters, its the modders that have kept me on a steady decline since about 2 weeks ago & madde the top spots un reachable. I lose 2-10 spots (I'm near 200) everyday while I'm playing, and I usually finish in the top 3 or win in instant action. I heard they are cracking the game code & making it where they get like 9999999 xp per kill, and they adjust the match times accordingly. Isn't hacking against microsoft ToS?
I dont really think you guys put a high priority on more challenging fixes, but these are 2 things I personally would like to see fix, and neither one has anything to do with improving my performance (i.e. chnaging perks & weapons to my style of play, or anything like that.)
Thanks for any fixes that are worthwhile, we'll see in an hour or so how you did.