Remember your all so clear marketing slogan?
I dont see any tactics other than run and gun. Im not even big on the vehicles myself, but i realize that they are an integral function to the core of what DEFINES the Crysis franchise, as well as a large number of players for large scale tactics.
I hate how you guys arent thinking creatively. Your argument for 6on6 is tighter teamplay. You know what would be creative? Adding squads, an easier UI, and maybe a teamstreak (instead of killstreak) for complying with the requested objective, and then you could earn something like a pilotable bomber strike.
Instead of removing vehicle warfare, you could add an effective counterattack like C4 (EFFECTIVE C4!!!), a Javelin, you could bomber strike them, etc. ADAPT to the situation, this is WARFARE, not CALL OF DOOTY: BODY ODOR.
Be creative. I hate how you are using the LCD (lowest common demoninator) to hamper the game. There are sure, fun, and CREATIVE ways to overcome your issues instead of GIVING UP and adding RESTRAINTS.
Please consider it, Crytek.
Sorry for the copy and paste but i see it necessary to do so.