» Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:33 am
[quote]This thread should be removed and forgotten, it's useless because people spam the same things over and over again and it's all rage, seriously, let this one die, make a new one and keep it ragefree...[/quote]
Actually, that is not a good idea. This one contains the thoughts everyone has on this issue. Crytek needs to know about our concerns. And we are telling them.[/quote]
Indeed, even if most of it is people repeating themselves, it's still important that everyones voice is heard. I myself lost so much hope in C2 multiplayer today, just feels like Crytek let us down on this one.
I love the idea of perks (always nice to get new toys as u play), but removing vehicles, epic large maps, and making games 6v6 is honestly just stupid. I never liked halo 3 multiplayer much (halo 2 had some great gamemodes, rat race being my fav.) and i sure as hell hate MW2. It truly saddens me that they would reduce C2 to something like this... Would be better if they just remade Crysis Wars with the new engine and added the new perks, climbing, cover system etc etc. That would be awesome, and alot less work than cloning another game.
Thats my opinion though... I think many people here share it.[/quote]
When you say 'cloning another game', what game do you think they're they cloning? If the answer is MW2, I don't think they're cloning it, just taking too many ideas from it and not being creative.