Crysis 2 6v6 MP - Official and very sad

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:53 pm

I watched a roommate play the Crysis 1 campaign on computer and thought it'd be interesting. I noticed the Crysis 2 beta come out the other day for 360 and immediately downloaded it. Besides the obvious networking issues (90% of the reason developers release betas) its fantastic. I joined this forum figuring I'd find some tips, strategies, or just guys who wanted to run playlists as a group, but everything I've seen here tells me that the vast majority of you are dealing with some hardcoe PMS, and the rest put up with it like submissive housewives with alcoholic husbands. Before now, I hadn't seen such a frothing lather of hate worked up towards a game on its own developers' forum.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:34 am

i think they are giving you a taste of one of the maps which should mean there are bigger maps which means more people
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:10 am

is crysis a Role-playing game like fallout, or dragon age? or is it a first person shooter?

First Person shooter

hmm... weird i saw a video about it and how its going to be 3D and they said its an RPG game, well thanks no point in getting it anymore, ya multiplayer is pretty sick but i rather save up for gears 3 or mass effect 3. (but will get it on gamefly -.-)
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:07 pm

I watched a roommate play the Crysis 1 campaign on computer and thought it'd be interesting. I noticed the Crysis 2 beta come out the other day for 360 and immediately downloaded it. Besides the obvious networking issues (90% of the reason developers release betas) its fantastic. I joined this forum figuring I'd find some tips, strategies, or just guys who wanted to run playlists as a group, but everything I've seen here tells me that the vast majority of you are dealing with some hardcoe PMS, and the rest put up with it like submissive housewives with alcoholic husbands. Before now, I hadn't seen such a frothing lather of hate worked up towards a game on its own developers' forum.

The only hate Crytek is recieving is for not releasing a demo to the PS3 and for 6on6 playercounts. The rest of the discussions are usually enthusiastic. ;)
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:27 am

Actually i havnt really seen any threads about the PS3 demo buts its probley me not looking at all the threads. I have seen a few 6v6 threads about including this one but i really dont care about low player counts.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:36 pm

I dreaming for nanosuit2 on Steel Mill).The game is not new multy,we play to oder games this modes......but we ll see.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:36 pm

PC has the resources to have much more players than only 12 in a game.
They could easily change the player count to 12v12 or atleast 9v9.
I'm sorry but if this is going to be only 6 v 6 multiplayer for the pc, I might have
to think again about the purchase of this game.
*Please use the resources found on the pc to change the player count higher*
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:51 am

Don't worry dude, if your PC, then it can be modded. We'll have 100 players on a server if it can take it. This game is going to have the **** modded out of it to rid it of the COD crap, and bring back things like Power Struggle and Nano Suit 1.
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:45 pm

I hate games with a high player count, makes it seem muddied. I like small streamlined games.
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:22 pm

Don't worry dude, if your PC, then it can be modded. We'll have 100 players on a server if it can take it. This game is going to have the **** modded out of it to rid it of the COD crap, and bring back things like Power Struggle and Nano Suit 1.

Honestly, what is it with you people? Why are you treating the SDK as a magic wand that will turn Crysis 2 into the game you want it to be?

A lot of you are assuming that simply by having a SDK, someone (but of course, not you) will magically up the player count, patch out the killstreaks and perks, add the old nanosuit features and finally add back in Power Struggle and vehicles, while producing server administration mods at the same time.

First, you'd have to find someone willing to do any of that for you. I have no interest in writing administration mods for Crysis 2, and even if I did they would only be private mods; I think you'll find most (if not all) of the other administrative mod developers agree. So you'd need to get together a crack team of C++ and Lua programmers who want to start a huge project like this and continue working on it for the six months or more required to get it working. Lack of motivation would be a big issue: what's the point of turning Crysis 2 into Wars when we already have Wars? By doing nothing, we essentially get to the same end result with far less effort.

Second, the SDK won't be released immediately. You'll have to wait a few months to get it, after which the people who really dislike the game will have uninstalled it, and the remainder of players either like it or think "well, it's not that bad". Before the SDK is released, you're stuck with Lua scripting, and this quote sums it up.
You cannot correct source code level implementation flaws using scripting that sits on top of the flawed engine.
With Lua, you are crippled. If something is broken in C++, there's nothing you can do about it. You can only modify/detect things that happen in the Lua functions, and that doesn't cover a lot. There isn't even a function handling chat messages in Wars or C1: if you want to detect chat, you have to read the data from the server log file (which is horrendously inefficient and causes a lot of server stress). Chat messages and profile ID are the lucky exceptions where you can get data from the server log: in almost every other case, if there isn't a Lua export there is nothing you can do about it. What you can do in Lua is totally dependent on the number of Lua functions in the gamerules and their nature, and you're unable to do anything involving memory addresses, network channels, or packets.

Finally, assuming you did find a team, and Crytek released a usable SDK that covered everything you needed to fix while player numbers were still high, changes this major would certainly require a client mod. And if Crysis 2 has the same level of mod support that Crysis 1 had, you're basically doomed. The mod will take so long to get to release that everyone who wants the game fixed will have left, and then you're left with a small population of players who need to manually download the mod and manually check for updates, fragmenting an already small player base even further. The only two major C1 / CW mods that got anywhere (MWLL and EX) are both run by Crytek employees (and thus have access to proper documentation), and EX is basically dead due to nobody playing it.

This post isn't targeted at you specifically, Logan. It's more of a rant about how everyone wants someone else to fix it with the SDK, but doesn't spend a moment thinking about how or why.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:05 am

+2000 DarkLite

Sorry, but the SDK isn't going to save the day. It took almost a year before the community could figure out how to raise playercounts in Crysis Wars, and most of the time it puts too much stress on the server since the game server is not designed to handle that much stress.

Crytek is either going to allow for a higher playcount, or they aren't. The community itself can't do much to change that.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:59 pm

Lol, you can do a lot with the SDK and some C++ programming. CWright's flight simulation is a very good example. If this is a good engine, I can see some good mods coming from it. And after seeing some of the videos from RealTime Immersive, it looks like they may actually have put some flight models in this game. If anything, it shows the engine is capable of far more than just COD clones. I have faith in the modders at CryMod, and I've dabbled myself in C++. Maybe I'll take a whack at some stuff. LUA looks pretty easy. Just another script language tied to the engine.
As for player count, its already been changed in C1, so C2 probably won't be much different. The community, well, as you can see, were already fractured. The patient like me will wait to buy, looking for the SDK, Sandbox, and mods worth playing. Really, I can't even stand getting through the whole XBox video, I hate COD MP that much. And the new dumbed down suit just makes it worse. It may be a hit on the consoles, but you know how consoles kids are. They'll move on to the next big game in a few months. PC players are more stable, and we gravitate towards the opposite end like Arma 2 and realistic flight sims. Crysis Wars was kind of the middle ground between those extremes. But now it appears to have gone hard towards COD MP. In fact, I would say its even more extreme than COD MP.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:27 pm

6vs6 means more tactics and less annoyng people
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:52 pm

6vs6 is fine unless you just wanne rush without aim into 5 enemy's at once and probably die like nuketown 24/7 fail servers
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:59 am

it should also be noted that crytek has made the engine to compete with unreal engine 3, one of the most used engines and probably thought to be one of the most versatile engines. crytek probably has many features that were designed to accompany all types of games. i highly doubt they built an engine dedicated only to cod type games with small numbers, and smaller levels. i'm sure the ammount of features cryengine 3 has is through the roof allowing development for shooters, rpg's, rts's, racing games and more.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:31 am

"Of course, while precise PC player counts are still being finalized, I was able to cajole the word "more" out of Crysis 2's producer"


No need to cry anymore, guys. 6v6 may be the cap on consoles, but it wont be on pc. My guess is AT LEAST 8v8 (which still is kinda meh), but I wouldn't be surprised by 12v12 or 16v16.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:12 pm

"Of course, while precise PC player counts are still being finalized, I was able to cajole the word "more" out of Crysis 2's producer"


No need to cry anymore, guys. 6v6 may be the cap on consoles, but it wont be on pc. My guess is AT LEAST 8v8 (which still is kinda meh), but I wouldn't be surprised by 12v12 or 16v16.
I hope that it's atleast 9v9, in 8v8 you can barely notice the difference.
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:06 am

it should also be noted that crytek has made the engine to compete with unreal engine 3, one of the most used engines and probably thought to be one of the most versatile engines. crytek probably has many features that were designed to accompany all types of games. i highly doubt they built an engine dedicated only to cod type games with small numbers, and smaller levels. i'm sure the ammount of features cryengine 3 has is through the roof allowing development for shooters, rpg's, rts's, racing games and more.

Wow looks like they are actually considering making changes to keep this up to date with pc games instead of limiting it for console reasons or something.Crytek is earning my happyness back real fast lately :)
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:16 am

Well, just look at the RealTime Immersive videos. Those are of full blown Arma like military sims done with CE3. Only fools would limit the engine to what an XBox shooter can do.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:06 am

Plan to fail!!! Yeah it may be hard to put more players into the game put, I am the customer of this product and I isnt worth paying 60 bucks for me to play with just 12 people. There is still time to expand or push the release date back to make this game worth while.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:21 am

6 vs 6 that's it?..Meh that's so lame!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:23 pm

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:57 am


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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:26 am


so a new one about the same topic can be opened? if the topic is being discussed there is no reason to close it. that's what a forum is for. to discuss stuff. all your post did was tell people that there was a new post in this thread and they should check it out. and now i made a post about your post. this thread is now thriving more than if you had left it alone and not butted in on others' conversation.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:54 am


LOL, 3 posts and you try to close a thread. Typical kid. Learn some manners kid.
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