» Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:50 pm
Camping: Small games make camping a little harder, in a big game campers can get a lot of camp-kills, in smaller games people remember camping spots after a few plays and check them as they move. Camping actually isn't that big of a deal. A lot of people need a rest so they get behind a corner and wait, they kill someone that walks by then they go running again. Some people might call that camping but it's really a step-based movement tactic that a lot of people use. In Modern Warfare 2 I did that on the map Favela, I was about to go but I heard an unlucky victim coming so I waited for him to pass, shot him, then ran.
Teamwork: Big games can have teamwork, but small games have more. In Modern Warfare 2 there is a mode called 'Team Tactical', it's 4 vs. 4, lots of fun. That is packed with teamwork, the whole mode relies on it almost. In Big Games, rush-camp tactics are heavily used, especially by snipers.
Melee-Running: Melee-running is when someone sprints around and primarily melees people. This won't be all that much of a problem because of the energy cost of sprinting, but then again I don't know yet if there are perks like marathon that allow you to run continuously. To the point, in big games melee-running is easier by the fact that there are more targets/victims, but harder by the fact that there are more people to try to stop you, though in armor mode stopping melee-runners will be hard. Of course one can switch to armor mode and attempt to shoot down the melee runner. In small games melee-running is a bit more annoying, but with less targets running around and people paying more attention to strategy, melee-runners will have a difficult time keeping it up.
To wrap this up: I think that large and small modes should all be added, from 1 vs 1 to 32 vs 32, though I do enjoy 6 vs 6. EA is trying to use Crysis 2 as a Call of Duty(COD)-killer, though I'm fairly sure it will not succeed as they seem to be doing half the things wrong that they should be doing(I think I'll make another thread talking about that...). By going with 6 vs 6 only they're taking the standard of their opponent and degrading it which will just simply make people want to play other games.