Crysis 2 6v6 MP - Official and very sad

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:32 am


Although I'm not counting myself amongst the whiners just yet, I haven't said anything particularly whiney, I can kinda see their point. I disagree that changes should be made just on the basis of community pressure, simply because if you choose to buy the product, you shouldn't then go back and tell them to change it. However, ultimately as a 'niche' shooter, they do rely on the sales of these people, and so should probably listen to them on some points.. If they're smart they'll simply pick the least objectable ideas in the context of their original vision.
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:15 pm

ok What is Crysis??? Crysis is a DX9+mesa+vtol+suit+scar+32players. Why dx9 ??? because cryteck forget make dedicated server for DX10. What we wish from Crysis 2 ???? We wish DX11+mesa2+Vtol2+suit2+64players+some_anticheat_system+some additional staff. But what we will get ??? DX11+NextCloneOfDutyCalls+suite2-60$ .Very nice cryteck. Bravo !!! Or maybe thay think what moders can do mesa 2 ??? Ohh no it's big mistake. Moders never do somthing useful, any way if thay do it was have smooth rules on diferen servers & too late. It's not good. For prove just run crysis 1 multiplayer & u will see what i'm right. Most peoples play on mesa & no any stupid mods.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:23 pm

Gotta admit, this isn't Crysis anymore..

This is like CoD now, mindless shooting with rank system...

Where is the old Power Struggle? where is the 32 player map?

The movement to console truly made this game into a Crisis....

Not mentioning about how Crysis 2 have worse graphic than Crysis 1, but the gameplay is just too scripted...

I cancel my pre-order on amazon. Will wait until CryTek learn their lesson from other games like FEAR 2, Supreme Commander 2, UT3 ...etc..
Console destroyed them, not just the name itself into shame..Yeah right. I guarantee you'll have the game the first day it comes out.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:01 am

ok What is Crysis??? Crysis is a DX9+mesa+vtol+suit+scar+32players. Why dx9 ??? because cryteck forget make dedicated server for DX10. What we wish from Crysis 2 ???? We wish DX11+mesa2+Vtol2+suit2+64players+some_anticheat_system+some additional staff. But what we will get ??? DX11+NextCloneOfDutyCalls+suite2-60$ .Very nice cryteck. Bravo !!! Or maybe thay think what moders can do mesa 2 ??? Ohh no it's big mistake. Moders never do somthing useful, any way if thay do it was have smooth rules on diferen servers & too late. It's not good. For prove just run crysis 1 multiplayer & u will see what i'm right. Most peoples play on mesa & no any stupid mods.

Learn to use proper grammar before you go on a rant.It sounds like a 2 year old hitting the keyboard.

Seriously I love 6v6.Crysis multiplayer was a pain in the ass.People using the glitches to their advantage,Hackers and cheater flying around everwhere.The game was waaay unbalanced.

Instead of playing like a one man army,in 6v6 you can play as a small infiltration team.And i believe the PC count is 8v8 if the rumours are to be true.
Just enjoy the game instead of whining about it,and be grateful to what Crytek is doing here.Play the game first before biching about it.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:51 pm

What are u talking about ???? Are u injured in the head ???? U think what if crysis 2 will support 12 players per server then chiters will magicaly disapear ??? Haha u funy boy. Nooo it's bull ****. & secondly if u want play at one man army u can make server with player limit & play in ure infiltration team game mode, but if we want play in power struggle mode now we must svck, & what u talking about balance, maybe u will play in Crysis 1 before typing idiots posts. For ure account in Crysis 1 both sides have identical power w/o any unbalanse. Go upgraid ure brain before typing some think similar
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Lori Joe
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:57 am

What are u talking about ???? Are u injured in the head ???? U think what if crysis 2 will support 12 players per server then chiters will magicaly disapear ??? Haha u funy boy. Nooo it's bull ****. & secondly if u want play at one man army u can make server with player limit & play in ure infiltration team game mode, but if we want play in power struggle mode now we must svck, & what u talking about balance, maybe u will play in Crysis 1 before typing idiots posts. For ure account in Crysis 1 both sides have identical power w/o any unbalanse. Go upgraid ure brain before typing some think similar
Look,I am not going to stoop to your level of whining.If you dont like it,go play the first Crysis.Dont judge a game before its even released.I dont think what I am saying will reach your thick headed skull,considering your brain is splattered all over your keyboard.

By the way
THIS IS CRYSIS 2 not Crysis.
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Jon O
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:24 am

This pretty much sums up more than half of the users on this entire forum:
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:55 pm

This pretty much sums up more than half of the users on this entire forum:
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:33 pm

I was playing mesa this one time, my team was losing badly we didn't even have a bunker and nuke time was approaching, long story short I stole three nuke tanks in a row my team ended up winning. this happened many times every time my heart was pounding my hands sweating and I had a big smile on my face. because I knew how mad they were at me yet they were laughing their heads off.

The sad part is with what Crytek has done to Crysis that might never happen again.
Because Crytek decided to focus only on a small part of crysis's gameplay instead of taking the whole and making it awesome.

As it is now Crysis 2 MP is but a shadow of what Crysis was.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:23 pm

A lot of people do this.
They hate on a game in the forums before they even try it, or before they try it on the platform being discussed. 90% of the people talking about this game will still buy the game day one. I think all the speculation is wrong at this point, if you guys REALLY cared about the number of players or the outcome of the game when it is released, then you would wait until after it is released and the official stats or specs come out.

Just chill people, I'm pretty sure from what I've seen and what I've tried on the Xbox 360 beta (yes I actually PLAYED it instead of making speculations about it) that this game will be pretty dang enjoyable in both singleplayer and multiplayer aspects.

Everyone is getting impatient waiting for the same game everyone else is waiting for. If you all wait until it is actually released, all the answers will be presented, because I don't see any devs posting here giving us the answers, and let's be honest, arguing about it back and forth isn't going to attract any attention to get them to post.

TLDR: less qq more pew pew (when it comes out)
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:28 am

Nathan Camarillo:
"We're keeping it really tightly focused on 12-player multi-player. Thats 6 vs. 6..."

12 players? That is a bad joke for a PC game like this.
The maps i have seen so far are smaller and tight so 6v6 is about right. Imagine 24+ players on skyline for example, it would be stupidly chaotic and cramped.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:12 pm

The leaked beta supports 16 players (as far as i know) and maybe even more ... stop criticising the game when its not even finished wont be able to see how the game will be untill the finall rellease . Trying to make an opinion about a game based on videos and comments made by developers 3 months ago is pointless. Why do you think they have the demo and this forum? To know what the people want and change the game accourdingly
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:19 pm


Crysis 2 is not Crysis 1.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:53 am


Crysis 2 is not Crysis 1.

This is true. Crysis 2 seems to be aimed more at constant action and close quarters whereas Crysis 1 had large Power Struggle maps. I didn't play multiplayer in Crysis 1 much, but although I liked the teamwork necessarily in Power Struggle, it could take a while to even find the enemy team.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:16 am

What the hell do you guys mean with power struggle?
I haven't played Crysis 1, but at first I guessed power sturggle was just using your nanosuits extra features such as invisiblility. But that seems to be wrong, so what does this special term mean?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:34 am

Remember - this is *urban combat*. No real wide-open spaces are possible in NYC (except maybe a Central Park-based map). Building-to-building and room-to-room is the order of the day. That's why the six-man squad. Even NYPD SWAT (or FBI HRT) doesn't deploy en masse for urban ops, folks (nor does Rainbow Six, for that matter - Crysis 2 is most like the Rainbow Six titles for urban-based MP). You're thinking about a different sort of map style - not urban. (If I'm not mistaken, UT 3 used small squads for their urban maps, too.)

Besides, ever been a team leader on an urban op? Keeping track of just six is hard enough inside a building.

The map devs (and Crytek's devs in general) actually got the map design right (as well as the MP design).

I'm hoping that Crysis 2 supports TeamSpeak or RogerWilco (that's a necessary for squad-based MP).
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megan gleeson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:49 pm

Well, I'll say one thing that is ruining these tight maps, and that is inviso. Everyone just camps in inviso. It really svcks. Its seems to be the only strategy in this game. That, and the lag is even worse than the orginal Crysis. Those who aren't lagging, absolutely slaughter those who do. Same broken network code.
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Catherine N
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:46 am

You just don't get it. Crysis had a wealth of gameplay options you could have multiple types of battles going on at once air, tanks, run n gunners, snipers, anti tank, anti air etc. the only problem was the lack of communication and organization instead of fixing these problems they lower the amount of players to a point were they should be able to organize and communicate. in doing so they narrowed the gameplay to less than a quarter of Crysis's original gameplay reducing the replay ability. also with the small player count clans are going to have a hard time forming or even playing with each other.
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:08 pm

Well, I'll say one thing that is ruining these tight maps, and that is inviso. Everyone just camps in inviso. It really svcks. Its seems to be the only strategy in this game. That, and the lag is even worse than the orginal Crysis. Those who aren't lagging, absolutely slaughter those who do. Same broken network code.

Every shooter has campers, it's just the way it is. Unless you introduce some kind of retarded insta-death for people who stand still for more then 10 seconds you're just going to have to deal with them.
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:19 am

You just don't get it. Crysis had a wealth of gameplay options you could have multiple types of battles going on at once air, tanks, run n gunners, snipers, anti tank, anti air etc. the only problem was the lack of communication and organization instead of fixing these problems they lower the amount of players to a point were they should be able to organize and communicate. in doing so they narrowed the gameplay to less than a quarter of Crysis's original gameplay reducing the replay ability. also with the small player count clans are going to have a hard time forming or even playing with each other.

Yep. I've played the leak and its boring. They'res no strategy really available. You just run around ( in constant speed mode) and wait for someone's energy to run out so they decloak. Unfortunately, its usually behind you. One of the real problems with the game. You can't see cloaked people at all. They're totally invisible. Just a bunch of invisible monkeys on meth. This game is fail. Its not going to last.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:03 am

One disappointment after another with these guys. Demo doesn't work at all, MP 6 on 6. I might just rent this game and be done with it.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:03 am

Actually, no one still knows how big the maps will be, places for hiding and even the style of the gameplay.If Crytek said that it's 6v6 max. ,then maybe they are planning small, but full with shooting, battleground, which will be overloaded if more people join.It's not fun to play vs few people, but it's also boring to get killed just after being spawned, because of too many people.That's why there's also instant action which will allow 12 players (I'm not sure exactly how many) for those who like to play vs more players.But however, as you remember in Crysis 1 the limit was 30-40 people per map, but servers with 64 players were still appearing.Maybe in Crysis 2 you will be also able to make something like 24 ppl for example.In Crytek they aren't idiots...they know what are they doing.So just wait for the game to come out and then start commenting about changes should be done.
P.S: Sorry for my bad english.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:43 pm

Yep. I've played the leak and its boring. They'res no strategy really available. You just run around ( in constant speed mode) and wait for someone's energy to run out so they decloak. Unfortunately, its usually behind you. One of the real problems with the game. You can't see cloaked people at all. They're totally invisible. Just a bunch of invisible monkeys on meth. This game is fail. Its not going to last.

you are able to see people in cloack with nanovision ,their is a perk in the leak wich shows you cloaked player (not entirely but it helps) ,if you move when cloacked you run out of energy very fast and if somebody sees you in cloack or your run out of energy your dead. Hard to get used to ...maybe, but well balanced and fun.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:48 pm

hello friends a?arm? at? radeon hd 3450 video card crysis 2? Can you send SMS messages?

merhaba arkada?lar at? radeon hd 3450 ekran kart? crysis 2'yi a?ar m?? mesaj atabilir misiniz?
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:20 am

Again, that's due to the different environment (urban vs. more open). It's why even the miliitary (that conducts most overseas urban CT operations) had to completely rethink their structure to do it. It's also why most traditional military strategists loathe and despise urban CT operations. The difference between urban CT and police-type SWAT is usually down to two things - weapon usage and personnel training. Neither meshes well with traditional military strategy. The revolt I'm seeing in this thread is coming (by their own admission) from players used to more traditional military-type shooters (Call of Duty, for example) as opposed to tactical-combat or even CT-operations-type games (I mentioned the Rainbow Six series). Even more surprising is the *lack* of disgust over the protagonist's role in Crysis 2. Yes; CELL is deployed in an isolation/containment role - however, they are seen more as an occupation force by the survivors (in fact, an *enemy* occupation force). Prophet's initial role (and the role of Alcatraz, who takes over when Prophet commits suicide) is basically that of a terrorist. Large-squad tactics are those used by CELL (and they are showing it throughout the entire story) - absolutely and positively unsuitable for urban operations (Bosnia proved that, or have we forgotten?). That is, in point of fact, a major reason why they are a side-story in Crysis 2 (because they are so totally NOT a real challenge for even Prophet, let alone the NS2-equipped Alcatraz). You want larger battles? Fine. Then you need different maps (in fact, different battlefields altogether) in a different game. Crysis 2, due to its setting alone (urban) plain and simply *does not fit*.
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