» Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:20 am
Again, that's due to the different environment (urban vs. more open). It's why even the miliitary (that conducts most overseas urban CT operations) had to completely rethink their structure to do it. It's also why most traditional military strategists loathe and despise urban CT operations. The difference between urban CT and police-type SWAT is usually down to two things - weapon usage and personnel training. Neither meshes well with traditional military strategy. The revolt I'm seeing in this thread is coming (by their own admission) from players used to more traditional military-type shooters (Call of Duty, for example) as opposed to tactical-combat or even CT-operations-type games (I mentioned the Rainbow Six series). Even more surprising is the *lack* of disgust over the protagonist's role in Crysis 2. Yes; CELL is deployed in an isolation/containment role - however, they are seen more as an occupation force by the survivors (in fact, an *enemy* occupation force). Prophet's initial role (and the role of Alcatraz, who takes over when Prophet commits suicide) is basically that of a terrorist. Large-squad tactics are those used by CELL (and they are showing it throughout the entire story) - absolutely and positively unsuitable for urban operations (Bosnia proved that, or have we forgotten?). That is, in point of fact, a major reason why they are a side-story in Crysis 2 (because they are so totally NOT a real challenge for even Prophet, let alone the NS2-equipped Alcatraz). You want larger battles? Fine. Then you need different maps (in fact, different battlefields altogether) in a different game. Crysis 2, due to its setting alone (urban) plain and simply *does not fit*.