All future updates and links will be posted at my blog.
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It does sound like shameless self promotion, but I'm sick of updating like 5-6 places with info at once. Hope you all can understand.
Downloads (version 1.6)
*Make sure you delete the autoexec.cfg when you upgrade to 1.3. Some users report crash on start if it's still there. Still working on that bug.
Crysis 2
.Net 2.0 or higher
Windows XP, Vista, or 7
Basic instructions:
1. Once you have unziped place anywhere you want.
2. Delete any autoexec.cfg files found in the Crysis 2 root folder. (if you're asking what that is, don't worry about it)
3. Delete any target commands you may have put on the shortcut as they will override the autoexec.cfg that is created
4. Run the Crysis2AdvancedGraphicsOptions.exe
5. Hit apply once all settings are set
6. If the autoexec.cfg is not created in the right spot or you don't see improvements. Try running the program in administrator mode. That was clearing it up for some users.
*note* You do not have to start this program every time you want to play Crysis 2.
EDIT: Version 1.6 is out!
Changes (Version 1.6)
*fixed motion blur (again)
*added a 4th level to all basic settings (low = 1, medium = 2, high = 3, extreme = 4)
*added FSAA support to fix stuttering
*added multiGPU
*added sound hit feedback
*fixed some minor buts
Changes (Verison 1.5)
*added HDR brightness level
*added Bloom level
*skipped initial login by default
*possibly fixed the no-motion blur bugs
*creates a separate autoexec.cfg file where you open the .exe file for more easy editing.
Changes (Version 1.4)
*added Shadows option
*added SSAO Option
*added color grading option
*added VSync option
*motion blur should now disable when set to disabled
*fixed some minor bugs
Changes (Version 1.3)
*fixed MSAA - should work now
*fixed crouch toggle - should work better
*added ability to change to preset low, medium, high
Changes (Version 1.2)
*added an option to toggle crouch
*should save a small ini file to eliminate repeated selecting of file locations
*displays root folder of Crysis 2 (so you know if you're on the right spot)