Basically, the article states that the game wont launch with DX11 and it will be patched into the game later. In addition, there is another rumor going around that this game will have encrypted config files like bulletstorm.
At a presentation to Nvidia's new graphics card in the GeForce 500-series revealed that Crysis 2 initially will not include support for DirectX 11, instead, all PC gamers had to make do with the six year old DirectX 9. In practice this means that all graphics hungry gamers with later generations of graphics cards can not take advantage of graphics-enhancing features such as tesselation. According to Nvidia the developers promises to include a DX11 mode in a future update, when exactly is still unclear.
I figured this would be the next best place to try and get a community manager's response on the matter. There are quite a few people who have canceled their pre-orders and what not.
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