» Sat May 21, 2011 5:19 am
Wait, now you claim "you" pc gamers, i thought you were one too...........and besides, no ones on the multiplayer servers because of massive hackers, even if its something simple like a banner cheat, they always know were your at regardless of cloak, which makes it heavily unfair, which makes any PC gamer shy away.
I am, but i'm distancing myself from "you" because "you" are a bunch of **** crybabies that spent the first 2 weeks of this games release crying about grass resolution. "You" then spend the subsequent month running around going "GAME IZ DED!!! FIX OR GAME DIE!!"
**** hell, everyone gets it by now, yes there are hackers, however its impossible to completely get rid of hackers when it comes to PC's. All Crytek can do is keep on top of stuff and keep banning where appropriate and keep updating on opportunities for players to manage their own servers. But yes, it was a bit retarded to have dedicated servers with very few administration tools at release- though Rcon is now working with a lot of C2 servers. Though once almost all servers have active admin's i can see tons of "OMG I WAS UNFAIRLY BANNED FROM THE GAME BECAUZ I SO GOOD PEOPLE FINK I CHEAT!!! AM MEGA PC GAMOR!!!"
My point is, the game is far from dead, getting a game is **** easy. You don't need 20 active servers to play a match unless you happen to take up 20 slots across different servers simultaneously. Yes, pro mode servers are few, but lets be serious, no-one wants to play pro mode anyway, which is why there's none.
Though I do agree that taking the "lets make MP like CoD" route Crytek took was a bit stupid. But face it, this is the route crytek want to take. So deal with it or move on.