» Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:09 am
It seems like every time there is a new game release the forums light up like a christmas tree, and all the haters and critics come out. Ya, when I first read the forums I saw that everyone was complaining about the graphics and the no DX11 or 10 for that matter. They cried it's been ported from or too the consoles. Even I got a little upset until I went out and bought the game and tried it for myself. I have an Alienware M17x with i7 2720QM, 6GB RAM, GTX 260M with the 3D bundle and I can say it looks good to me. 2D and 3D both look great. I have had zero problems running the game on Very High in both modes and I get no lag what so ever. Extreme runs in 2D but not very well in 3D but thats okay with me. I think the game is really fun and the gameplay is an improvement over 1. I enjoy it and to me that's all that counts.
I think in the first game the graphics were totaly like WOW and huge, open map. 2 is more linear but in 2 I think the engine is rendering alot more textures and objects and the set pieces are amazing. In one they did use alot of the same textures over and over like palm trees and the forest areas. Don't get me wrong I loved it and it brought on some serious WOW moments for me but the gameplay was not the same as the graphics. I think in 2 they are more balanced and the game plays better. I hate that they left so much out from the first game but I am having fun with the game and as I said before to me thats all that counts. At least now my computer can run Crysis and not be crashed out to the desktop every time I play like in one. I have a desktop then with 2 9800 GT's in a Alienware and crysis ran okay on high which was fine but now with 2 I can turn in up and have a more enjoyable experience. As far as MP I am not that into it so I can't comment on that. SO to that I thank Crytec for giving me an enjoyable game to play. Hopefully they will patch it soon so everyone gets to have a better experience with the game cause it is really good on the inside.