1) Way to linear, they should have just painted a yellow line and said follow the yellow line, you were very limited in the way you got the missions done.
2) What was with finding the Keys that were at times very well hidden, but it's not like you found a key and were able to drive the Vehicle. In fact there was almost no vehicle use. ( Now in C3 are they going to have you Look for teddy bears

3) Unable to save when you wanted to, your only choice was check point save, yes you could save but it did nothing, I tried it a few times and it was worthless.
4) What happened to the characters from C1 & CWH, they completely wrote them out of C2.
5) And what was with the gathering of that Alien nano energy after killing the aliens just so you could add upgrades to your suit, and if you did not get there with in about 30 to 60 seconds it was gone. so you really had to fight the aliens and gather alien nano enegy almost at the same time.
6) You never got your hands on any of the alien Weapons in C2, unlike in C1 & CWH.
And in all honesty, if they don't put in a save game system in C3 that works so you can save when you want to, and do away with that gathering of Alien nano enegry BS, that is just going to make me think real hard about getting C3. I will just go back to playing C1 & CWH.
Oh yeah and a Bow & Arrow to kill Aliens, what are we back in the days of Robin hood and his merry men, that Bow and Arrow better have some kind of Explosive or Electric Emp or something like that. If anything they could have built the Bow & arrow weapon in to the Arm of the Nano suit, seeing as they are going to upgrade it again.