Making armour default would defeat the point of picking armour or cloak.
^someone who's clearly never played Crysis.
Irrelevant. In case you hadn't noticed, this aint Crysis. It might upset you, but the game you like hasn't just returned in your own design.
I would prefer, for the sake of the game, that bullets took more damage to put people down than CoD, which has been confirmed; but making armour default would defeat the customisation and tactical aspect of choosing the right ability at the right time.
Without armor mode toggled you die as quickly as in CoD.
And the other mode to toggle to? Its called speed & strength or power mode, which makes a lot more tactical sense to dynamically switch to instead of having that as default and forcing the player to toggle armor mode in every. Single. Firefight.

It will be annoying at best and gamebreaking at worst.
Nanosuit 1 > Nanosuit 2[/quote]
Even though Ive played the 360 beta, I won't make any judgement on this yet until Ive played the pc demo