Crysis 2...another twitch shooter like CoD.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:45 am

Bad at Crysis?


Yes, Armor mode is the mode you want to be in to deflect bullets, but a good player knows its not the only mode you will use. Good players use speed and strength mode constantly to utilize your energy to traverse the map. Anyone who played "only" in Armor mode like you claim was a complete noob at the game.
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:35 am

lol cuad, you're pretty hardcoe man....

also, what graphical settings are you playing on? I didn't know CryEngine2 had ultra low.
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:47 am

Talon, your clan tag looks familiar, didnt you play in XI hardcoe? I recall kicking the ass of some dude named grom on many occasions
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:35 pm

I'm sorry, did you just say games like Halo takes more skill than games like CoD?

opinion is void

You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking.

1. Controlling map using team work. (Check for Halo)
2. Having to consistently be able to hit headshots with any precision weapon to be decent at the game (Check for Halo)
3. Having to control weapon spawns instead of spawning with them? (Check for Halo).

I could go on, but that will derail the thread.

TL;DR: Any good Halo player can go into CoD and dominate so hard it hurts. Any good CoD player will go into Halo and get shat on by even the worst FPS players. After being on the 20th placed Gamebattles team for Halo 3 for quite a while, I picked up CoD:MW2 and the first game I went 28 and 3. CoD is easy as balls, and try to defend it as much as you want, but I'll just be sitting here laughing my ass off at you.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:32 pm

I'm sorry did you just try to explain how some lame ass casual fps is better than cod? Even Cod got pretty casual, but your argument is just sad..

Map control? because only halo has this apparently..
Consistent headshots? lame, and once again, only halo has this right?
Controlling weapon spawning? woop dee **** do. If I wanted to play a game with weapon pick ups, I'd play a GOOD fps like Quake.

So please, keep playing your casual shooters where you empty entire magazines into their heads, ill be playing games like Crysis where reflexes, agility, and precision are key.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:12 am

I am not with 760 anymore. -_-
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:10 am

I just remember a few of those guys would play there, not bad players
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:39 pm

Yeah we were great for our time, best North American team for Crysis Wars at one point but we later died out. We were never really about the competition though.

Now I hope to become a =phX= member, but only a recruit right now. Maybe you've heard of them? I did play on XI hardcoe server but that was only a couple times and well over three months ago.

And yeah, grom had to be the most "casual" player on our group. He never cared much for skill. ^-^
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:12 am

He sure did care much for camping lol
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Danny Blight
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:44 am

Halo: REACH is casual. Any of the previous Halo titles were massively more competitive than any other shooter on the market. Consisten headshots are lame to you? Lol. No wonder you play CoD. You like games that take 3 shots to kill. Super pro dude. You think CoD is a competitive game. Hahaha, please. Please for your own sake, just gtfo.
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:08 am

Come on Proto, lying prone in foliage and getting kills across the map by randomly shooting your pistol takes way more skill than Halo (aka garbage casual games for skill-less noobs).
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:17 am

Come on Proto, lying prone in foliage and getting kills across the map by randomly shooting your pistol takes way more skill than Halo (aka garbage casual games for skill-less noobs).

You couldn't be any more correct, good sir. How could I ever make such a mistake? Silly me.

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sexy zara
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:06 am

CoD and Halo both make horrible competitive games.

You want a competitive game? Play Counter-Strike. Otherwise, shut the hell up because CoD and Halo are nothing but childsplay for the professional scene.
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Catherine N
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:09 pm

I do play Counter-Strike... -_-

I still find Halo to be more competitive (Not Reach. Mainly CE and 2). I'm talking about playing with good people, pros, semi-pros. Not matchmaking randoms. That's competitive, and I love it. I played against Str8 Rippin in customs with my team at the time and held our own. Enter college and work, then I got kicked off for not playing enough Halo sadly. Oh well. I just want a game that invokes that kind of entertainment again. Games these days are just about customizing your character, regardless of if the gameplay is total ****.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:39 pm

Yeah I played CSS for close to 5 years, amazingly competitive game. Too bad there was so much cheating. ESEA was good though.

IMO, Halo takes way more skill to be good at opposed to CoD. Uncharted 2 is also a quality competitive game, too bad Naughty Dog broke the game 5 months after it came out with some of the worst "updates" I've ever seen in a game.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:09 pm

Wanna play a competitive shooter? Check out Quake and Unreal Tournament. Crytek is obviously going for the COD fanbase. I can't blame them, thats where the $ is now a days.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:54 am

That's because in the beta the hit detection was off. Watching all the videos that have been released recently, it's all 1 shot body shot kills with the sniper. I'm basing my views off of the multiplayer videos. Twitch shooter means it's a game that takes 1-3 shots with any gun to kill, like Call of Duty. No CoD game takes any skill because anyone can be good at them seeing how easy it is to play. I want a game that has a learning curve, a game that takes time to master. When I played the beta, the kill times were too short even WITH the bad hit detection issues. So fix that problem, and they'll be even shorter. My ratio in Crysis 2 BETA was a 2.93, and that's overall. Really? That just says the game is too easy and doesn't take any particular skill to play. Regardless of what any people think about the Halo series, it easily takes the most skill to play out of any console shooter. Given I hate Reach because it's too much like CoD and not enough like Halo, but it still sadly takes the most skill even with the random outcomes of bloom, etc etc.

I don't want Crysis 2 to be another game that is unbelievably easy to play. I want a game that can have competitive merit, takes skill to play, and hell maybe even gets thrown in the MLG circuit. I like games that create competition, in which no CoD game or Halo:Reach creates. But based on the videos, it's just going to be super short kill times, which hardly takes skill to play...

I'm tired of developers creating shiny games to appeal to the CoD crowd. Make a game that is competitive, not...CoD.

Yes. Like Crysis1.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:08 am

Saying Halo players could dominate CoD is jst as retarded as saying CoD players could dominate Halo. The high damage in CoD would have the Halo guy dead multiple times before he even realised where he was.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:03 am

On a basic level its a twitch shooter but its not COD at all with the way the game plays out.

I can say that this game isnt about skill of aim from what I have seen so far (if you want a real test of that, go play unreal, crysis doesnt Cut it), its more about how smart you play and how you use your energy and making the right decisions at the right time in the right place.

Dont get me wrong I think the base health is to low aswell, Id like to have a health bar instead of this "Bloody SCREEN! (So REAL)" crap that every FPS has to have lately.

I hope in the final release theres more recoil on the guns when they go into full auto because I was noticing the old COD trick of "Hold the trigger down and spray while then aiming over the person."

Well The game requires you to be a smart player and well atleast that counts for something, be thankful atleast one of the big games out this year takes a bit of brainpower, I can see BF3 diverting from BF2, Gears 3 looks noobified and we can all expect the annual Call of Duty craze.
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:15 am

A health bar is actually one of the few things Aliens vs Predator got right on PS3.. IIRC they still used the bloody screen, but had a quantifiable health bar. This helped alot, and showed you when to run and when to fight more accurately than an increasiningly splattered visor.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:56 pm

My theory is that the blood splatter is there to prevent people from aiming and therefore force them to take cover, since 12 year-old kids (i.e. CoD's primary market) cba to actually look for a health bar and separate it from other information on the HUD.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:00 am

Possibly, but it also makes increased heath and/or reduced bullet damage almost redundant because you end up being completely unable to see anything, making fleeing or finding cover almost impossible anyway.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:42 pm

Halo: REACH is casual. Any of the previous Halo titles were massively more competitive than any other shooter on the market. Consisten headshots are lame to you? Lol. No wonder you play CoD. You like games that take 3 shots to kill. Super pro dude. You think CoD is a competitive game. Hahaha, please. Please for your own sake, just gtfo.

yeah keep playing fps on your controller, you're sure to show me up. Halo may have been ''competitive'' but that doesn't meant it wasn't a noobs fps. Like I said about CoD, its gotten casual as well, but not as much as Halo.
As stated before, Go play a real fps like Quake, or CS, you know, fps's that take actual skill, then talk to me. enjoy your scrub shooters
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meg knight
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:34 am

About Halo beeing competive, that's only partial true. The problem is, that Halo has the opportunities, to turn into a who-blasts-first game (i mean Rocket Launcher, Particle sword etc.... I mean inbalance issues), but still, it makes fun playing it with real friends at your house (cause I can smack them when they shot me with the RL :)) About beeing CoD not beeing competive, totally true. The players die to early, so if there are two people at the same spot, but they didnt notice you, you just spray the bullets in there and *plop* you get two kills for nothing. As many stated before, CS or Quake are the true competive games with it needing skill to win (thats why I svck in them :S).

I dont get why Halo and Cod got into comparence... they are two completely different games, with two completely different game styles, they just cant be compared. Its like compairing a ball, to another ball, just with another colour.

As for Crysis 2... I just cant take it anymore, I am talking my ass wound getting this into your low minded heads:

Crysis 2 is not like Cod. If you have played it, you would know. But you havent. You saw videos on Youtube of people who never seemingly never touched a controller. You dont need 3 or 4 shots to kill anybody, no, in armor mode (in wich the player is going when they see, they are beeing shot) it takes about a 3/4 of a magazine to kill somebody. That statement about the 3 shots is only said, when somebody obviously never played it.

SRSLY get yourselve infos or play the game, before you say such a garbage.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:51 am

Halo: REACH is casual. Any of the previous Halo titles were massively more competitive than any other shooter on the market. Consisten headshots are lame to you? Lol. No wonder you play CoD. You like games that take 3 shots to kill. Super pro dude. You think CoD is a competitive game. Hahaha, please. Please for your own sake, just gtfo.

yeah keep playing fps on your controller, you're sure to show me up. Halo may have been ''competitive'' but that doesn't meant it wasn't a noobs fps. Like I said about CoD, its gotten casual as well, but not as much as Halo.
As stated before, Go play a real fps like Quake, or CS, you know, fps's that take actual skill, then talk to me. enjoy your scrub shooters

Wow. That was honestly the most retarded thing I have ever read. CS is like COD; no health. It's a scrub game. Real FPS that take skill = Crysis 1.
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