About Halo beeing competive, that's only partial true. The problem is, that Halo has the opportunities, to turn into a who-blasts-first game (i mean Rocket Launcher, Particle sword etc.... I mean inbalance issues), but still, it makes fun playing it with real friends at your house (cause I can smack them when they shot me with the RL

) About beeing CoD not beeing competive, totally true. The players die to early, so if there are two people at the same spot, but they didnt notice you, you just spray the bullets in there and *plop* you get two kills for nothing. As many stated before, CS or Quake are the true competive games with it needing skill to win (thats why I svck in them :S).
I dont get why Halo and Cod got into comparence... they are two completely different games, with two completely different game styles, they just cant be compared. Its like compairing a ball, to another ball, just with another colour.
As for Crysis 2... I just cant take it anymore, I am talking my ass wound getting this into your low minded heads:
Crysis 2 is not like Cod. If you have played it, you would know. But you havent. You saw videos on Youtube of people who never seemingly never touched a controller. You dont need 3 or 4 shots to kill anybody, no, in armor mode (in wich the player is going when they see, they are beeing shot) it takes about a 3/4 of a magazine to kill somebody. That statement about the 3 shots is only said, when somebody obviously never played it.
SRSLY get yourselve infos or play the game, before you say such a garbage.