» Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:37 am
That's because in the beta the hit detection was off. Watching all the videos that have been released recently, it's all 1 shot body shot kills with the sniper. I'm basing my views off of the multiplayer videos. Twitch shooter means it's a game that takes 1-3 shots with any gun to kill, like Call of Duty. No CoD game takes any skill because anyone can be good at them seeing how easy it is to play. I want a game that has a learning curve, a game that takes time to master. When I played the beta, the kill times were too short even WITH the bad hit detection issues. So fix that problem, and they'll be even shorter. My ratio in Crysis 2 BETA was a 2.93, and that's overall. Really? That just says the game is too easy and doesn't take any particular skill to play. Regardless of what any people think about the Halo series, it easily takes the most skill to play out of any console shooter. Given I hate Reach because it's too much like CoD and not enough like Halo, but it still sadly takes the most skill even with the random outcomes of bloom, etc etc.
I don't want Crysis 2 to be another game that is unbelievably easy to play. I want a game that can have competitive merit, takes skill to play, and hell maybe even gets thrown in the MLG circuit. I like games that create competition, in which no CoD game or Halo:Reach creates. But based on the videos, it's just going to be super short kill times, which hardly takes skill to play...
I'm tired of developers creating shiny games to appeal to the CoD crowd. Make a game that is competitive, not...CoD.