» Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:44 am
You said it, not me.
I didn't mean dumbed down by consolised - though it is that, too. Removal of prone and a lean system that actually works, as well as your suit automatically pointing every tactical opportunity out to you, as well as announcing when it's doing that, make for a very dumbed down feeling game. And let's not even get into the insane length of time cloak now runs for, as well as free stealth kills! I don't blame consoles for any of this, they're gameplay decisions. If I were to blame consoles for it, it would be me saying "All console users are drooling idiots who can barely comprehend the concept behind not just running in hammering shoot" - but that's crytek's opinion, not mine.
By consolised I mean that everything is done with very few buttons. Say what you want about convenience, I liked being able to do a high jump without a second of delay before the game realised I was holding down the button, and I liked being able to do a strength punch without a similar waiting time - that waiting time is significant when you're fighting a fast enemy. And, of course, the removal of prone, and a sane leaning system.