» Sun May 15, 2011 6:39 pm
My hope for C2 Multiplayer is that cheating will get far more difficult.
In wars there were just too many shameless cheating bastardz... even with Punkbuster.
Unfortunately, as long as hit detection, etc. is client side ( i.e. on your own computer ), there will be cheats. A guy named LongPoke taught us this. He used assembler language to "hook" all the routines in memory, and then just made them output whatever he liked. He could kill everyone on a server at once (Mass Kill) by just getting his client machine to say it had happened to the server. The server believed anything the client sent to it, so it said "oh, ok", and sent death messages to all the players. He could make anything he wanted appear on anyone's copy of the map because the server believes whatever the client sends it. That has to be addressed in this next version of the engine if we want to stop cheaters.