Crysis 2 “Better On PC” Due To Console Versions

Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:15 am

Activision now even has **** Bungie on there laps. There a great business just too money grubby to think about expanding into gamers hearts not there piggy banks.
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:55 am

I dont think Cevat would lie to us. Im not too worried about my PC version, but I am still concerned about certain things.
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:47 am

It helped the pc version because they used the same low-res textures (and not only textures) on the pc too.
That's why they said Crysis 2 it's going to run better than the first Crysis on low-end machines.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:55 pm

There are a number of problems with Cevat's statements. For one, he says the bigger budget makes the game better, however from what I've seen, the bigger budget has only contributed to flashiness. There seems to be greater emphasis on cutscenes and set pieces. I don't remember exactly the words they used, but I think they described it as "cinematic sandbox" or something like that. I take issue with that since those cutscenes and set pieces are good for only one playthrough. After seeing those events being played, they lose their "WOW" factor the next times. I replayed Crysis six times. Crysis Warhead, which takes a more cinematic approach, I've only beaten three times. Crysis 2 seems even less open than Crysis Warhead and I'm thinking I'd be lucky to even get a second playthrough out of it.

Also, his approach of having consoles as a baseline and then scaling up to the PC only works in favour of consoles. The controls are worked specifically for the gamepad, which is why there are fewer actions (no prone, no lean, no suit menu, etc). They are not scaling up at all in that aspect since the PC version has the same restrictions on actions. Nanosuit 2.0 only takes away control from the user my automatically activating modes. I'm questioning why they call it Nanosuit 2.0 when it seems like a downgrade from the original Nanosuit. Environments are more closed off so that consoles can stream the levels. They're not going to change the levels for the PC version. Multiplayer only has 6 vs 6 players and the levels are medium-small to tiny. They're not changing that for the PC version either.

So basically the only thing they do scale up is graphics. Haters claim that the original Crysis only had great graphics but mediocre gameplay. I strongly disagree with that as the original Crysis not only had great graphics but also great gameplay and is truly one of the greatest games of all time. Now Crysis 2 really does seem like it's all about the graphics, at least when discussing the differences between the PC and console versions. The gameplay has taken a negative impact because of consoles.
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:42 am

Lets take a note from Jester here:

"Don't settle for second place soldier!"-Jester

And that's what the PC community is doing right now about this whole debacle over the multiplayer demo being an 360 exclusive.

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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:50 am

Well Activision sits on Blizzard who makes bank. COD and Blizzards IP's alone make more then EA in a year.

Indeed, EA's total sales revenue is around £1.5-2bn or so (varies wildly year to year though). The PC platform alone for Activision makes £1.5bn. Which is why it annoys me when activison say 'they don't want to take risks', they've got the most spare cash floating around of any company!

That's because that "spare cash" goes right in to there CEO's pocket and then sell DLCs for 15 bucks..
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Kara Payne
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:27 pm

So when I first fire it up to find it has un-defeatable mouse acceleration and smoothing (first obvious sign of a slap job port) with no clear option to disable them I'll know that Cevat thinks it's "Better for me".
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Brian Newman
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:12 am

So we have to thank consoles that crysis unique presentation and exploration of an island became another generic pewpew game in the most banol city .And seriously alcatraz?its such a fail name...also check the detail of nanosuit 1 and the detail of nanosuit 2 ..its a shame
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:13 pm

So we have to thank consoles that crysis unique presentation and exploration of an island became another generic pewpew game in the most banol city .And seriously alcatraz?its such a fail name...also check the detail of nanosuit 1 and the detail of nanosuit 2 ..its a shame

Its consolized.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:30 am

And seriously alcatraz?

Haha yeah. The 3 syllable thing is throwing me off. Crysis: No-mad. Jes-ter. Pro-phet. Psy-cho. Az-tec. Where the hell did al-ca-traz come in?
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:49 pm

I know right? Cry-sis. It is all two syllables! Steel-Mill, Me-sa, etc. :D
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:54 am

Lmao. XD
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:27 am

I doubt it.
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:14 am

“PC gamers will get a better game out of that, it isn’t just take, it’s also give,” says Yerli.

Yeah, they give us the shaft and we take it.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:16 pm

So we have to thank consoles that crysis unique presentation and exploration of an island became another generic pewpew game in the most banol city .And seriously alcatraz?its such a fail name...also check the detail of nanosuit 1 and the detail of nanosuit 2 ..its a shame

Actually, I think the name Alcatraz sums up the Crysis 2 experience perfectly. Compared to the freedom of the original Crysis, you'll feel like you're in a maximum security prison in Crysis 2.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:38 am

So we have to thank consoles that crysis unique presentation and exploration of an island became another generic pewpew game in the most banol city .And seriously alcatraz?its such a fail name...also check the detail of nanosuit 1 and the detail of nanosuit 2 ..its a shame

Actually, I think the name Alcatraz sums up the Crysis 2 experience perfectly. Compared to the freedom of the original Crysis, you'll feel like you're in a maximum security prison in Crysis 2.
Yeah that makes sense since Alcatraz is a name and is also 3 syllables instead of 2!

So 3 is less then 2!

Do you see my logic? Its kind of like yours?!
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:46 am

So we have to thank consoles that crysis unique presentation and exploration of an island became another generic pewpew game in the most banol city .And seriously alcatraz?its such a fail name...also check the detail of nanosuit 1 and the detail of nanosuit 2 ..its a shame

Actually, I think the name Alcatraz sums up the Crysis 2 experience perfectly. Compared to the freedom of the original Crysis, you'll feel like you're in a maximum security prison in Crysis 2.
Yeah that makes sense since Alcatraz is a name and is also 3 syllables instead of 2!

So 3 is less then 2!

Do you see my logic? Its kind of like yours?!
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:40 pm

Great, you know the island just didnt think of the name by itself.

Alcatraz is something that IMO I think is catchy and nice.

You guys are deserting the name just because of syllables?!

I mean come on! I get why you are angry, but now your just flaming.

Also that wasnt towards you.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:46 pm

I'm now questioning your sanity. How is posting a link to wikipedia in any way flaming you? I think you're far too sensitive. I know you hate me intensely and now you're super angry that I pointed out your mistake, but please be rational.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:07 pm

I'm now questioning your sanity. How is posting a link to wikipedia in any way flaming you? I think you're far too sensitive. I know you hate me intensely and now you're super angry that I pointed out your mistake, but please be rational.
I think your insane. I mean your comment is not reflecting the game. You attack peoples opinions and say THEY are flaming.

I dont hate you, I just think when everyone around here is finally got the whole Xbox hate down, you somehow still turn it into a negative by trolling.

I will not respond to any more of your comments if there not about the game or towards it. I dont want to get out of order with this.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:27 am

Crytek - we demand 2 syllables or else we aren't going to buy Crysis 2! You have 24 hours to comply.

;) <<<<<<< just to shed any grain of misunderstanding this shows I am kidding.


Actually, I'm not happy with Alcatraz, but I can live with it. It's not a deal-breaker if you get what I mean. I hope Psycho comes back though.

I can imagine it. You're fighting a heavy in the streets and you're just about to take him down when BOOM a pinger and an entire squad of aliens shreds through a wall of concrete behind you. You're surrounded, your scar is almost empty and you suit is screaming "ENERGY CRITICAL" into your ear when BOOOM a whole load of C4 goes up and destroys the alien squad and a nanosuit soldier jumps down from the sky launching a rocket at the heavy and blowing him to smithereens. The figure stands on top of the smoldering remains of the heavy's exosuit and screams "I'M BRITISH YOU MUPPET"!
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:51 am

I'm now questioning your sanity. How is posting a link to wikipedia in any way flaming you? I think you're far too sensitive. I know you hate me intensely and now you're super angry that I pointed out your mistake, but please be rational.
I think your insane. I mean your comment is not reflecting the game. You attack peoples opinions and say THEY are flaming.

I dont hate you, I just think when everyone around here is finally got the whole Xbox hate down, you somehow still turn it into a negative by trolling.

I will not respond to any more of your comments if there not about the game or towards it. I dont want to get out of order with this.

I didn't flame anyone, genius. I came in here joking about the Alcatraz name and then you come in here trying to mock me. Get over yourself, please.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:00 am

Attacking the game is joking? Wow. What a world!!
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Beat freak
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:39 am

It's called commenting on the direction the game is taking. We don't have to be in love with every aspect of the game. By the way, what happened to you not replying to my posts anymore?
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:34 am

Your talking about the game. I am commenting about your look at the game.

We all have our opinions, but preaching them every post is something that does not agree with my standards.
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