Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:25 pm

I really love the multiplayer in this game but at the same time hell will sooner freeze over before I buy 20€ of "content" that adds so little to a TIA/Domination focused game. Are you people out of your mind to even consider buying "DLCs"? For that price point you can get a 1-2 year old game or two and you will get so much more enjoyment out of that.

And EA/Crytek who the hell sets the prices? Have you seen how many people are playing your DLCs on servers? The only thing you are doing is alienating the people who buy your games. Set the price to 2€ per DLC and you will sell a minimum of 5x as much and have a much larger player base that can play what you release.
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:20 pm

Wow, this forum seriously lacks moderation. Hey Crytek, you really need to moderate this forum or shut it down. You can't even voice an opinion without some e-stud getting his kicks from "pwning" you with his awesome typing skills.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:21 am

Weeeeee.... here we go again? All I can say is.. if you don't like it, don't buy it. Not sure how well the first DLC did? Were there alot of sales, or hardly any?

I want to play on the new maps.. but I also agree that charging $20.00 for it, so quickly after a $60.00 game was released that had many problems, is not the best route to take. Then again.. I think they are doing this to make up for "lost sales" .. Crysis 2 probably did not hit the mark they expected it to, now they need to make up for the lost funds.

The game does seem to operate better now, atleast for some people. In my personal opinion.. if Crytek is going to "charge" people for "new map packs / weapons" .. they should atleast release it in a DVD disc format that you can buy in the stores. Atleast that way you can actually see what you paid for, plus it gives you a much more secure purchasing option.

Oh well.. not sure what else to say.. I want the new maps, but am going to "wait", just because I'm not spending $20.00 on something no one else is buying...
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Bitter End
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:40 pm

4facksake, stop biching! Don't like it? Stop playing! Is it so hard to understand? There is so many other games and besides you will have your boycott time. There's already been so many posts about hating/epic fall/crytek fail and God knows what else. Obviously there are some ppl who wants play and I believe there are some smart out there who gave up this game (including me)
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:27 am


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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:58 am

Weeeeee.... here we go again? All I can say is.. if you don't like it, don't buy it. Not sure how well the first DLC did? Were there alot of sales, or hardly any?

I want to play on the new maps.. but I also agree that charging $20.00 for it, so quickly after a $60.00 game was released that had many problems, is not the best route to take. Then again.. I think they are doing this to make up for "lost sales" .. Crysis 2 probably did not hit the mark they expected it to, now they need to make up for the lost funds.

The game does seem to operate better now, atleast for some people. In my personal opinion.. if Crytek is going to "charge" people for "new map packs / weapons" .. they should atleast release it in a DVD disc format that you can buy in the stores. Atleast that way you can actually see what you paid for, plus it gives you a much more secure purchasing option.

Oh well.. not sure what else to say.. I want the new maps, but am going to "wait", just because I'm not spending $20.00 on something no one else is buying...

They lost profit, yes. But they lost much more important thing.
That's trust. Crytek lost trust of millions gamers.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:44 am

Wow, this forum seriously lacks moderation. Hey Crytek, you really need to moderate this forum or shut it down. You can't even voice an opinion without some e-stud getting his kicks from "pwning" you with his awesome typing skills.
Freedom of speech is more important than your feelings.
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:26 am


Since when can one get verbally-owned by an ignorant degenerate looser on a game forum ?
You think by typing a wall of bullsh1t makes you king?
Think again...

P.S. I dont know how "much" american you are little chuck , but,
, your language and attitude are disgusting.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:55 am

Skeetorius is american and you can put americans in 2 groups.First group,thats where Skeetorius fits,consits of unintelegent,trolling,dont-know-whats-hapening beyond-my-town-border , mishaps of their society and mother nature,and one can easily spots them everywhere on this forum going headfirst through wall with thems posts and their fingers faster than their brain. Now the second group of americanos are very intelegent and actually think trough before they post in threads or they even dont post in threads if they think its not worth posting. But i have to admit that i havent see anyone from the second group posting yet or i wasnt fortunate enough to run by any posts so....?! This is also trolling but i think Brits will stand by me on this one.

PS: This post was not targeted against all of USA forum members and is aimed solely against ignorant and arogant wannabe profiler a??holes like Skeetorius

Actually. I may live in America, but I'm not American. My "life experience" most likely goes far beyond your basemant in England or what ever eastern block / EU hole you are from bro.

Don't forget the group you are from. Since Im must be from the primordial slime group that can even bother to check their **** spelling when the computer gives you and auto spell checker.

What ever dude. Before you trash people's intelligence or "life experience" try and make sure your blather is put together in some sort of coherent fashion (like good spelling and grammar.)

I will admit i am arrogant.... that's for sure.. Especially when i'm in competition with an inferior, maybe..........MAYBE highschool graduate from Slovenia. I can smell that on you dude....lololol Quit trying to be big time. You can't hack it in here man.

To everyone else who agrees with me....don't be scared to talk back to these fools. This whole thread is a troll. Why else would you post a boycott thread INSIDE the Crytek Crysis 2 forums? It must be to show Crytek how smart and powerfull you are? LOLOLOL. Give me a break.

I understand you folks are mad because they are charging for maps that are in SP. There should be a map creation tool like in the old Quake. Releasing maps from SP is complete BS.....i agree....maybe they should kick some free maps to us that AREN'T in the SP.....which is counter intuitive...the SP maps should be free and new ones charge. Asking any company to lead the way on this is almost, in this day, unrealistic. It would be nice to see Crytek reward PC players only with some DLC not available on 360 or PS3.

How about that Crytek?

Like i said wannabe profiler.And i do have HIGHschool finished but my high school degree is more or less equal to
faculty.This is my faculty

Yes i can see that your life experience goes beyond my BAsemanT hellhole that i live in and please do check where eastern block is and where do I live.About inferiority.I had to come down to your level of intelligence that you can understand me without any problems.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:14 am


Since when can one get verbally-owned by an ignorant degenerate looser on a game forum ?
You think by typing a wall of bullsh1t makes you king?
Think again...

P.S. I dont know how "much" american you are little chuck , but,
, your language and attitude are disgusting.

His writing only confirms my assertion
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:14 pm

I got one friend who wants to try C2 against me... so if someone wants to boycot Crysis 2 MP, feel free to donate your serial key to me, so I can kick my friends ass to show him how Crysis 2 MP is cool

Seems not everyone hates the game. If you are a hater. Get a refund and get the **** out of our forums. Bunch of trollers and flamers in here.

Here is an idea......go play portal 2 on your mac, caress your iphone, and tell everyone how great I OS. BECAUSE YOU TROLLERS ARE CRAZY AND YOUR TALK IS CRAZY. Seriously, a boycott thread INSIDE must be scared and upset.

Expect DX11 tomorrow guys.....Crytek must be concerned about your 20 post boycott thread. LOLOLOL.

The guy above knows what its all about.
Excuse me, but... WHAAAAAAT?!

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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:32 am

i stoped playing this game i get no support from crytek for my bonus content problem... they releases a new mappack but dont fix the bugs and problems... so if nothing happen to me and my game, i dont play this game anymore... and i diont buy the dlcs.... this noob company can svck my dike
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Austin England
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:55 am

Lol you can buy minecraft with $20 dollars? Hahahaha well go play minecraft then ****, comparing Minecraft to Crysis 2, what a fail.

then clearly you must be a noob at minecraft who's mocking it like that.

let me see you make a game 1/100th as good as minecraft, go ahead
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:54 pm

Lol you can buy minecraft with $20 dollars? Hahahaha well go play minecraft then ****, comparing Minecraft to Crysis 2, what a fail.

then clearly you must be a noob at minecraft who's mocking it like that.

let me see you make a game 1/100th as good as minecraft, go ahead

Or clearly they're 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT games that you can't really compare. Idiot. Think before you try and troll someone.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:16 am

sadly I chose to stop playing about 2-3 weeks ago.. game has just gotten on my nerves for way to long.. and after the 1.8update the game seems even more imbalanced online.. - I'm sad I bought this game thru Steam.. cuz I would sell it if I had the chance.. :(
I've lost all my faith in CryTek and will never buy their products again
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:25 pm

Wow, this forum seriously lacks moderation. Hey Crytek, you really need to moderate this forum or shut it down. You can't even voice an opinion without some e-stud getting his kicks from "pwning" you with his awesome typing skills.
Freedom of speech is more important than your feelings.

This is the internet and you think there's freedom of speech? LOL?
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:45 pm



lol.....nope....just tired of children. thats why i moved to pc from console. seems you just cant run from em.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:56 pm


Since when can one get verbally-owned by an ignorant degenerate looser on a game forum ?
You think by typing a wall of bullsh1t makes you king?
Think again...

P.S. I dont know how "much" american you are little chuck , but,
, your language and attitude are disgusting.

little chuck....WTF is that? My attitude? So its okay for all the whiny little babies in here to cry, but when someone puts them in their place for taking pot shots at a simple post its "....languange and attitude are disgusting." Check my posts....the first were simple....the rest were bad because little babies come on here and spout incoherent blather and expect to have the last say.

Another puss. I wish you babies would put your money where your mouth is on here and step up on some crash site or something instead of belly aching. Lets see what your worth.

I luv you pussies....its great. Lets keep this thing going. The world will sort you pantie wastes out if it hasn't already.

I have officially started the reverse flame of this BS thread.....bring it on you pansies.
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:42 am


Since when can one get verbally-owned by an ignorant degenerate looser on a game forum ?
You think by typing a wall of bullsh1t makes you king?
Think again...

P.S. I dont know how "much" american you are little chuck , but,
, your language and attitude are disgusting.

little chuck....WTF is that? My attitude? So its okay for all the whiny little babies in here to cry, but when someone puts them in their place for taking pot shots at a simple post its "....languange and attitude are disgusting." Check my posts....the first were simple....the rest were bad because little babies come on here and spout incoherent blather and expect to have the last say.

Another puss. I wish you babies would put your money where your mouth is on here and step up on some crash site or something instead of belly aching. Lets see what your worth.

I luv you pussies....its great. Lets keep this thing going. The world will sort you pantie wastes out if it hasn't already.

I have officially started the reverse flame of this BS thread.....bring it on you pansies.
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Big Homie
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:57 am

Many fans have turned their backs,
and back will not return
I don't play game since 2nd patch. Sorry but at the point you have unlocked all weapons - it's totally boring. Just pathetic CoD clone. Idea with levels was good enough to hold me and my friends playing together for a while, but when this got over - we all quit the game for other entertainment.
Still though I have it on HDD and check forums though cause I want to see how it goes with DX11.

Looks like BF3 will be a real FPS with really good graphics for 2011.
Crysis 2? Good bey.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:53 am

Wow, this forum seriously lacks moderation. Hey Crytek, you really need to moderate this forum or shut it down. You can't even voice an opinion without some e-stud getting his kicks from "pwning" you with his awesome typing skills.
Freedom of speech is more important than your feelings.

This is the internet and you think there's freedom of speech? LOL?

I didn't say there was or was not, only that it is more important that you getting butthurt at the slightest internet insult.

Grow a thicker skin or leave.
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Franko AlVarado
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