Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:11 am

Decimation Pack + Retaliaion Pack = 20$

I can buy Minecraft with 20$


Now they are selling weapons... Great Crytek, great. You want to make more money to at least pay your employees. You made a **** broken console game! What happened to you? Crysis 1 was kind of the best in PC (I Mean full Mod Support, free dedicated server tool, serious advanced graphics) and now we can't even expect a moddable MP game (they sell DLCs made before the game's release, of course MP mods and maps won't happen).

Consecutive mistakes, Crytek, consecutive. Can really name this company Crytek? Bipolar, much?

You might know you have a enormous community base, but you are losing it due to mistakes and consolization; you expected sales near Black Ops. You forgot your community base is a PC one. You and your "mama" EA are almost broken now. Crysis 1 was a great success; why not repeat some points that made your respect?


I love Crysis 2. But I can't take this anymore.

I am top 900 wins/skill kills, I'm not some random casual player.

So I will boycott this game. I won't play until you announce something really good enought.

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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:28 pm

Many fans have turned their backs,
and back will not return
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:45 am

1 thing - you actualy can get a refund for you game.

And this is what this boycott should be. Not you not playing. But YOU not paying.

vote with your wallet. 'cos no one gives a **** about your opinion.

I couldnt get a refund because my game was bought elsewere.
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:13 am

Lol you can buy minecraft with $20 dollars? Hahahaha well go play minecraft then ****, comparing Minecraft to Crysis 2, what a fail.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:06 am

lol another 10 bucks for nothing.... 20$ for all dlc....serious money so i dont want put this on my credit card. that was last time when i bought c2! if c3 will be announced i download this **** crytek's game on the torrents! **** this burocratic folks!
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louise hamilton
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:36 am

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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:35 am

Who is the weather in South Korea? Btw. troll thread :P
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:22 am

I agree with the OP.

Everyone who thinks the game svcks, has real crappy graphics, is totally bug infested to the point where it cannot be played and the MP is just cheaters & no one else - boycott the game, boycott the forums, boycott everything.

If only!
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:51 am

I share your frustration about these maps packs. 20$ for some maps that aren't even special, just more ports from SP maps... I play like 30 mins crysis 2 each months so I really don't need new maps all that bad. I mean if they were free I might check them out but no way I'm paying for any of this lol. Just release the damn editor and DX11 patch...
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:31 pm

dude i stopped playing this two months ago for freaking WoW...
Decided to play it today and it's still as **** filled as before.

And paying for guns/DLC's - no freaking way!

I would surely give C2 another go just because of the new maps if they were free >_>
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:15 pm

People just love to bich.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:13 pm


All you people biching are seriously a pathetic group of whiners. The game is pretty damn good. Yes, they released it unfinished, but have done a relatively decent job (albeit slow) at fixing the problems. Yes.....DX11 has been slow and maybe it should have been released later, when DX11 was ready. Myself, I have enjoyed th 37 levels I'v plowed through on multiplayer. I play it nightly, have a seriously kick ass rig (check out my post on that) and have experienced a minimum of the complaints you all have.

Lets see....wait for the game WITH DX11 or wait for DX11....Give me several months of a pretty damn good game (in my opinion, the best FPS on the PC to date.....screw black ops).....Ill take the game early with a few bugs and wait on DX11 anxiously.

Try filtering your Multiplayer results to include EA servers only.....that helps with the cheating a lot....since I've done that I don't think ive noticed it much and I finish in the top 2 with MVP at least 80% of the time and NEVER cheat. short....STOP YOUR WHINING AND GO PLAY THE WITCHER 2 OR SOMETHING. You dont like away and go to another game and buy its DLC. Most companies charge for their DLC now and its an excellent RARITY if they do not.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:16 pm

Once upon a time... Nobody had to pay for a few maps... Once upon a time...
I already stopped playing this crap a few weeks ago. Returned to BFBC 2 and wait for BC 3.
Man, Crysis 2 could have been a really good game. Lets hope that the community can make a good game out of Crysis 2...
But I don't whine... I just stopped playing :)

And actually I returned to Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13... :D
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matt oneil
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:04 am


All you people biching are seriously a pathetic group of whiners.....

"right".... so CrySIS 2 now apparently costs 70€...
(because you cant possibly play retail maps and keep getting pawned by FY71)

so... Since when online FPS games cost 70€ ? Is C2 experience worth 70€ ?

im a whiner..
.. but ......"Μan" a brainwashed Crytek Fanboy robot...
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:57 am

"Boo hoo, I died so the gun must be overpowered!"
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:08 pm

Crytec fanboy? Is that all you bichy whiners can say. "FANBOY!!!!!!!!!!!" What a douche bag. Seriously "man." The game is good. You are an ass master. If you are too poor to play the game or build a system good enough to play the game go play something else. I have just about every good game out for the PC and I like most of them so that makes me an:

EA fanboy
Bioware fanboy
Dice fanboy
Crytek fanboy
Infinity Ward fanboy
here's a good one...............A Treyarch fanboy
Activision fanboy

bla bla bla

What you an idiot. Maybe even and idiot fanboy? How the **** does Crytek brainwash me?

With a graphically good game with good multiplayer. That's them "brainwashing me" some more of your stupid blather man.

Oh ya.....REPORT ME to Crytek for my language to.......since you are the obvious robot without an ability to make a decision for YOURSELF.
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:14 am

"Boo hoo, I died so the gun must be overpowered!"


People don't seem to realize, that everyone who bought the DLC, is trying out the gun. Thus there are a lot of people getting killed by it. Therefore, since many people are killing many people with it, it is overpowered. If everyone went out and used a scarab, people would be crying about it's OP.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:12 pm


I take a "wild" guess that you must not be older than 14 ...

...15 maybe?
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:37 pm


I take a "wild" guess that you must not be older than 14 ...

...15 maybe?

Is that all ya got? "You must be 14 or 15" Try again? You already got verbally owned just like the rest of the whiners who come on here and bich and complain. You're a flamer and I'm ready to fan your homo flame right back to the COD black ops forums. And how ridiculous do you look with your bull **** comment in a Crytek forum. So now its my turn:

You must be an older guy.....mid to late 30's

No girlfriend....well maybe, but ugly or overweight. You and your girl. If no girl, divorced or on your way out.

No real life outside these forums. Maybe its your mundane job at the city or your lackluster education, but I'd say.........hmmmmmmmm........postal worker, garbage man, or EMT. Maybe a driver of some type.

Live in parents basemant or receive some sort of financial help from them at this stage in your life STILL, but not quite enough to buy a good enough system to keep your mouth shut.


John Wayne Gacy....You like clowns.......children too.

Tell me when I'm getting warm.....

I can go on and on with this you damn flamer so flame away or go play some COD black ops where you belong.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:58 am


I take a "wild" guess that you must not be older than 14 ...

...15 maybe?

Is that all ya got? "You must be 14 or 15" Try again? You already got verbally owned just like the rest of the whiners who come on here and bich and complain. You're a flamer and I'm ready to fan your homo flame right back to the COD black ops forums. And how ridiculous do you look with your bull **** comment in a Crytek forum. So now its my turn:

You must be an older guy.....mid to late 30's

No girlfriend....well maybe, but ugly or overweight. You and your girl. If no girl, divorced or on your way out.

No real life outside these forums. Maybe its your mundane job at the city or your lackluster education, but I'd say.........hmmmmmmmm........postal worker, garbage man, or EMT. Maybe a driver of some type.

Live in parents basemant or receive some sort of financial help from them at this stage in your life STILL, but not quite enough to buy a good enough system to keep your mouth shut.


John Wayne Gacy....You like clowns.......children too.

Tell me when I'm getting warm.....

I can go on and on with this you damn flamer so flame away or go play some COD black ops where you belong.


Wow you mad bro?
You may want to consider theapy soon
Most people don't like the game so get over it
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Yung Prince
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:30 am

Skeetorius is american and you can put americans in 2 groups.First group,thats where Skeetorius fits,consits of unintelegent,trolling,dont-know-whats-hapening beyond-my-town-border , mishaps of their society and mother nature,and one can easily spots them everywhere on this forum going headfirst through wall with thems posts and their fingers faster than their brain. Now the second group of americanos are very intelegent and actually think trough before they post in threads or they even dont post in threads if they think its not worth posting. But i have to admit that i havent see anyone from the second group posting yet or i wasnt fortunate enough to run by any posts so....?! This is also trolling but i think Brits will stand by me on this one.

PS: This post was not targeted against all of USA forum members and is aimed solely against ignorant and arogant wannabe profiler a??holes like Skeetorius
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:23 am

I got one friend who wants to try C2 against me... so if someone wants to boycot Crysis 2 MP, feel free to donate your serial key to me, so I can kick my friends ass to show him how Crysis 2 MP is cool
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:48 am


I take a "wild" guess that you must not be older than 14 ...

...15 maybe?

Is that all ya got? "You must be 14 or 15" Try again? You already got verbally owned just like the rest of the whiners who come on here and bich and complain. You're a flamer and I'm ready to fan your homo flame right back to the COD black ops forums. And how ridiculous do you look with your bull **** comment in a Crytek forum. So now its my turn:

You must be an older guy.....mid to late 30's

No girlfriend....well maybe, but ugly or overweight. You and your girl. If no girl, divorced or on your way out.

No real life outside these forums. Maybe its your mundane job at the city or your lackluster education, but I'd say.........hmmmmmmmm........postal worker, garbage man, or EMT. Maybe a driver of some type.

Live in parents basemant or receive some sort of financial help from them at this stage in your life STILL, but not quite enough to buy a good enough system to keep your mouth shut.


John Wayne Gacy....You like clowns.......children too.

Tell me when I'm getting warm.....

I can go on and on with this you damn flamer so flame away or go play some COD black ops where you belong.


Wow you mad bro?
You may want to consider theapy soon
Most people don't like the game so get over it

Mad? No....simply put. Sick of listening to inexperienced whiners. Whiners that bich about things they have limited appreciation for.

This game is good. I come from the console arena, originally. The odyssey to be exact. Yep....before atari. Apple 2+, GS, windows 3.1, nintendo (all), genesis, master system, playstation.....Owned em all. Played em all.

PC has always been better, but never has this been more apparent. may have been ported from console, but this game takes all FPS out right now with the exception of Battlefield 2.

To agrue this point with me shows YOUR ignorance and stupidity.

In reaction to the American comment. I most likely have (statistically speaking of course) more education than most people, especially those that claim to be super intelligent and highly educated like the american basher. Dude you need kiss my ass on your comment.

All I've typed is the truth and you bash my intelligence. The lady doth protest to much.

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Nathan Barker
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:04 am

I got one friend who wants to try C2 against me... so if someone wants to boycot Crysis 2 MP, feel free to donate your serial key to me, so I can kick my friends ass to show him how Crysis 2 MP is cool

Seems not everyone hates the game. If you are a hater. Get a refund and get the **** out of our forums. Bunch of trollers and flamers in here.

Here is an idea......go play portal 2 on your mac, caress your iphone, and tell everyone how great I OS. BECAUSE YOU TROLLERS ARE CRAZY AND YOUR TALK IS CRAZY. Seriously, a boycott thread INSIDE must be scared and upset.

Expect DX11 tomorrow guys.....Crytek must be concerned about your 20 post boycott thread. LOLOLOL.

The guy above knows what its all about.

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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:24 am

Skeetorius is american and you can put americans in 2 groups.First group,thats where Skeetorius fits,consits of unintelegent,trolling,dont-know-whats-hapening beyond-my-town-border , mishaps of their society and mother nature,and one can easily spots them everywhere on this forum going headfirst through wall with thems posts and their fingers faster than their brain. Now the second group of americanos are very intelegent and actually think trough before they post in threads or they even dont post in threads if they think its not worth posting. But i have to admit that i havent see anyone from the second group posting yet or i wasnt fortunate enough to run by any posts so....?! This is also trolling but i think Brits will stand by me on this one.

PS: This post was not targeted against all of USA forum members and is aimed solely against ignorant and arogant wannabe profiler a??holes like Skeetorius

Actually. I may live in America, but I'm not American. My "life experience" most likely goes far beyond your basemant in England or what ever eastern block / EU hole you are from bro.

Don't forget the group you are from. Since Im must be from the primordial slime group that can even bother to check their **** spelling when the computer gives you and auto spell checker.

What ever dude. Before you trash people's intelligence or "life experience" try and make sure your blather is put together in some sort of coherent fashion (like good spelling and grammar.)

I will admit i am arrogant.... that's for sure.. Especially when i'm in competition with an inferior, maybe..........MAYBE highschool graduate from Slovenia. I can smell that on you dude....lololol Quit trying to be big time. You can't hack it in here man.

To everyone else who agrees with me....don't be scared to talk back to these fools. This whole thread is a troll. Why else would you post a boycott thread INSIDE the Crytek Crysis 2 forums? It must be to show Crytek how smart and powerfull you are? LOLOLOL. Give me a break.

I understand you folks are mad because they are charging for maps that are in SP. There should be a map creation tool like in the old Quake. Releasing maps from SP is complete BS.....i agree....maybe they should kick some free maps to us that AREN'T in the SP.....which is counter intuitive...the SP maps should be free and new ones charge. Asking any company to lead the way on this is almost, in this day, unrealistic. It would be nice to see Crytek reward PC players only with some DLC not available on 360 or PS3.

How about that Crytek?
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