We all see now, thanks to the console portability, Crysis 2 is not The Game ; and it's not even an excellent game ; it may be a good game for 2010 (not 2011), if there was less bug that make difficult to play :
- Points for upgrade nanocombi in reserve disapear when we quit the game and come back.
- Many instant back-to-windows-re-back-to-game.
- Cursor can pass to the other screen when we play on only one in a dual screen configuration.
- Sometimes, impossible to make melee attack (i think after a death and game reload). This is passing after a time.
- Sometimes, impossible to change firemode (same conditions as for melee attack)
- When we change firemode (only for grenade or pomp, not for single bullet) and change weapon after, this change firemode instead changing weapon. With this whe can't use correclty this ability to alternate as we want too weapon.
- Sound is crakling (2 times of 3) during mission briefing (only during this).
- Impossible to jump through an obstacle when i'm in front of it.
- In the next to last mission, on the roof with the landing pod, the mike disapear after i death and reload the party.
- In one game, i loose all red cross effects for assault visor and red dot of ironsight (don't try with laser)
- We can't pass the sponsors and logo with "esc" when the game launch. After we have a panel who as no utility where we need to tap enter, and after again we have the connection pannel that is useless when we play the campaign... This is to many for nothing for a guys who have already launch three time a game and just want to play (all normal guys) !
For the gameplay, there is also many things to tell :
- Where is the life bar ? I think it is the goal : make a call of duty like instead of a Doom like... Sad time for the good old fashionned FPS that original Crysis was reniewed in it's time.
- No life Bar (or other life indication) for a Vehicle is an aberrant because we don't know when we need to go out. We don't know also what part is damaged (I miss the impressive Tank level in Crysis).
- The one push button action, like defibrilator, or crawling is certainly joyfull for console player, but in reality when it's not a choice, it is useless, make these action automatic like a cinematic, we're not some frenetic of the button pushing.
- I think we will be pleased if we can choose to stay crouch with one clic on crouch button or stay crouch when we stay on the button.
- We can't choose the voice of our combi or the possibility to disable or reduce it.
- We can't choose the color of the HUD.
- I think it will be good to pilot vehicles in first person view. In thirp person view, it's simply not a FPS and it's also hard to aim something without test every trajectory by shooting before.
- There is no interest to have a large weapon panel if in each level there is only 3 or 4 different weapons to choose.
- Environement is less destructible than it is in the original Crysis.
- Cadaver and impacts mark disapear after a time, Why ? We're on PC, we have memory to handle this, no ?
- The power mod for the combi is barely effective like the old Force or Speed modes, We need a large time and all energy to throw away an object and the speed is the same for a normal guy who sprint whitout combi. (Where are Maximum Strengh and Maximum Speed ?). In original game, play only with speed was a real valid option...
- Objects are shinning when we put the cursor on it, is it possible to disable this like an option ?
For the Graphisms :
- Characters have a slight shiny aura around them, i go outside to verify, and i do not see this in the street (i think it's the kind of improvement the console bring to the PC games)...
- Can we choose our graphic options, the AA, motion blur and all other things (i don't speak of directx11).
- There is no more photorealism !
I will not speak of the lack of clear connections in the story with the original game...
In conclusion, i hope, all bug will be fix and many as possible gameplay improvement will be made... Actually, i just can say :
Original Crysis -> Maximum Game !
Crysis 2 -> Maximum disappointment !
My config is :
OS : Windows 7 (up to date)
CPU : Quadcore Q6600
GPU : 2x 8800GT (drivers up to date)
RAM : 6 Go dualchannel
Sound Card : Creative X-Fi Extreme music (PCI)
Game : Crysis 2 limited edition (language french)
Game setting : graphic : Extreme, No sight marker, Maximum difficulty
PS : i'm french, sorry for my bad english...