» Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:21 am
There is a difference between damage reduction and health, take away the armor such as in Classic mode and you die quicker, in the suit modes you survive longer with the suit, not the same thing as health, is that too hard to understand?
Your logic is incomprehensible.
The effect of taking away health/armour for classic mode is indistinguishable. The fact is, you will have a lower threshold for damage than before; attempting to create a false distinction here for the purpose of saving face is futile. What you are suggesting, in a poorly structured and illogical way, is synonymous in effect to what I already suggested. It is that simple. IIRC, damage to the target is worked out by way of dmg multipliers anyway (in Crysis 2); so a base armour stat is simply irrelevant, when a nanosuit-wearing target can simply have lower multipliers than one without and vice versa.
You are yet to suggest a viable alternative solution to the problems I have outlined so far; which, to recap, are latency having too great an influence because people die easily, and a 'see-first = win' playstyle in multiplayer.
Yeah what you are saying is gameplay wise, you don't seem to be able to grasp that my so called 'suggestion' makes sense in real life, even a normal person could see the difference.
I already said that armour/health increase would have the same affect gameplay.
So it doesn't make logical sense that when you take away the armoured N1.5 you take more damage from a bullet?
I never said I was going to offer a suggestion, If I did please show me. I just said that an decrease to damage taken by projectiles etc. would be more realistic than a health increase, a health increase that you suggested would affect everything such as fall damage. The two points you mentioned are both connection related, if the connection is good then it isn't that hard to retaliate.