» Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:33 pm
Not with any of the current Nanosuits.
I'm not being funny, but they changed practically everything since Crysis and people like you swallowed it up anyway. All they'd have to do to satisfy the improvement trend of the story would simply say that the suit has developed better armour which doesn't require energy anymore; sounds like an improvement.
I don't see the current players being cautious enough, never taking care and always rushing to the middle of the battlefield only to get destroyed. Ignoring Halo are we?
Irrelevant to the issues I pointed out, and another reason why pro gamers, not people like you or me, should be beta testing.
I'd rather they just improve the net code,
Will not change anything, as I said. Latency is an inevitable problem with online gaming. The only way of beating it, is to make it less of an issue through game mechanics.
suit armor and health are essentially the same thing gameplay wise, just that the armor is more a tad bit more realistic. So Crysis/ Wars was not skillful where Armour functioned as advertised? If I wanted the suit to just be a small Gimick why bother, just play BF3 of CoD..
I'll let you in on a little secret, one that's evidenced by game sales since, well, since ever.. Realism isn't fun. Games like Arma and Red Orchestra will forever be relegated to the category of 'niche' for it; so you saying that armour is the more realistic way of doing things isn't a good argument at all.
The only way armour and health are practically synonymous, is when armour is the default mode. Otherwise it's completely irrelevant in health considerations. You can't keep armour up all the time, and it relies on you seeing your enemy to equip it; therefore it solves nothing with regards to 'see first' gameplay or latency, where the player can kill you before he's appeared on your screen.
Yeah so? EPIC seems to listen to the forums regarding balancing in Gears 3 and they do a pretty good job. If you mean 'pro' gamers like MLG no thanks.
The editing window could be bigger :/
You just want to play the game, I understand that much. The problem is, you only have to look back to old threads on this forum to see the sheer amount of crybaby threads about this or that being OP, when none of the people crying are even good enough for anyone to be able to tell whether it is overpowered, or they're just bad. Minimising variables is a fundamental part of experimental technique, and the only way objective conclusions on things like balance can be made through playtesting. Not even long standing telemetry is truly representative, as correlation =/= causation.
Therefore, pros and competitive players are the ones who should be testing, because they are skilled enough that the variables between performances are more likely to be down to the equipment used, and not the other guy simply being a lot better.
Then they would need a completely new suit, and a new protagonist. I swallowed it up because it's a new Nanosuit and a much better one.
Relevant is the new ignorant.
Latency does play a big part, at least they can reduce it, it's the only game where lag is easily visible.
Armour as in the suit not the mode, what's the difference between less damage taken cause of armor and more Health gameplay wise? I only mentioned Armour Mode in Crysis, not the current game... no need for comparison to ARMA otherwise I woulda said a lot more, ~BF3 level of realism.
Why window so small >:(