» Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:57 am
SOLVED, ha! i done it, back to 60MHz.
in game turn v sync on then off(i usually have in game off but nvidia control panel on) that's all you need to do, toggile it a few times and there it is, 60MHz with 60FPS.
I know you'll respond to this in 10 minutes. But what did you do to get a good frame rate in game? Right now I'm rocking a GTX470, stock speeds, a core i5 750, stock speeds, 4GB of 1600MHz RAM, and a 3gb/s 7200 RPM HDD. Usually, I look around for what to do but I'm feeling extra lazy and I know you've been tweakin your set up for the last day. I am able to overclock the GPU and the CPU, and also did you change settings in the autoexec.cfg and also did you change settings in the nvidia control panel?
Can you have a cfg for MP and a different one for SP?