Hey crysis 2 fans,I'm xzxShArPsHoTxzx and I am am the leader of the SOFR (Special.Operations.First.Recon) and I'm recruiting members for my clan. I may be only level 15 but I don't svck. I will accept applications for the clan.Probably all will be accepted but if you don't get in i'll tell you why.Put your XBL gamertag in the fourm and i'll send you a message.DO NOT SEND A RANDOM FRIEND REQUEST I WILL NOT ACCEPT THOSE!!!Msg me then ill invt you 2 a xbl prty and a match. You'll be playing two matches of Instant Action (free for all). The SCAR can't be used at all during recruitment!!! We would like to see you not use it because it's very common.Don't send me a message today because i'm on vacation.Good luck soldier.
rule1: No vulgar language (cussing)
rule2:No threats.
rule3:be friendly
rule4:have fun!!!