Name of Clan: DooM
Primary Region of Operation: Oceania
Playstyle: Casual, Fun.
Leaders: olly187, JICOO_41, lM1CK3Yl, 303i
Website: - Make an account and sign up in the 'Applications' section.
About the clan:
We're a group of Crysis 2/3 players who play on Oceania servers, founded by two former BAD members, olly187 and JICOO_41. As the clan name suggests, it's inspired by the movie DOOM.
Our clan is based on friendships. We do not care how good you are as a player, we care about how good you are as a person. If you're looking for an extremely active or hardcoe clan, we are not for you. Most of our members centre the game around their lives, not their lives around the game.
We are primarily an Australian based clan, but are very multicultural, with many Japan and Thailand players. We use Skype for all text-based chat, and use SiTH Rambro's Australian teamspeak server for our voice chatting needs (we have our own room). The teamspeak server is also used by Australian fVic and SiTH members, so we always have someone to chat with.
We have zero tolerance towards cheaters/hackers, bugs exploiters, and such. If any of you happen to see any of our clan members doing what I've stated above, please post it in the special section on our forums.